Chapter 25

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"Hurry up Oppa!! I couldn't wait to go inside already" Hanni who is already leaves the car impatiently said to  Jinwoo who is still preparing to go.

Right now they're already at the parking area of the arcade. Hanni has been really excited ever since they passed by the arcade. She managed to take a glimpse of the place and she was mesmerized by it. Her eyes are full of excitement and her expectations are skyrocketing. The sight right now is the exact same as a kid when they're waiting for their gift and that's how Jinwoo saw Hanni right now.

"Wait for me Hanni" Jinwoo said to her.

He makes sure to bring all his belongings first before he goes down from the car and goes to Hanni's side. And immediately after Jinwoo joined Hanni, she was already off on her way to the arcade. Hanni does A little bit of hop on his way of walking sometimes, that's something that she does whenever she's excited and happy.

"you look so happy right now Hanni"

"I am oppa, This place looks so cool. I have never seen an arcade place this good. It's already looking so cool even when I just saw it for a split second. I'm sure it'll be way more cool once we're inside" Hanni told him. Jinwoo slowly fails to keeps up with her excitement but there's nothing he could do.

Soon after they finally got into the place, and once they're right in front of the entrance Hanni's eyes are sparkling with excitement. A wide smile formed on her face. As she couldn't contain her excitement anymore, she tooks Jinwoo's hand and drag him inside.

"Welcome sir and ma'am. What can I help you with?"

"We want to buy some coin miss"

"Oh sure here's the exchanging value and price for each coin" she pointed at the coin exchange policy.

"How much shall we buy Hanni?"

"A lot so that we can play almost everything oppa. Oh wow that looks so much fun" and off she goes wandering alone like an excited wild bunny.

"Aish that girl" Jinwoo sigh by himself after he saw her going away, the worker there could only laugh at the cute shenanigans of the couple in front of her "here miss please change all of it to coins" Jinwoo handed her the money.

"Sure sir" the worker at the cashier then takes Jinwoo's money and proceeds to exchange it for some coins. While she does that, Jinwoo keeps on watching where Hanni is going to not lose sight of her "here you go. Thank you so much sir, hope you and her have a great time" the worker said to Jinwoo after she handed to him the pouch full of their coins inside.

After Jinwoo gets the coins he immediately goes to get the wild Hanni who's still roaming around the place.

"Hanni" Jinwoo called to get the attention of Hanni m

"Are we going to play now?"

"Hahaha contain your excitement a little bit Hanni, you're getting way too excited" Jinwoo said to her. Only after that she realizes how over excited she is and starts to feel slightly embarrassed.

"Ahhh sorry oppa hehehe" she apologize while awkwardly scratch the back of her head.

"It's fine don't worry"

"Are those our coins oppa?"

"Yups what's wrong?"

"Don't you think you bought too many?" Immediately after she said that she gains an are you serious stare from Jinwoo.

"I wonder who said earlier to buy as many coins as I can though" Jinwoo said in satire.

"Ahhh it's me right, sorry oppa I'm getting carried away hehehehe" Hanni once again apologize to Jinwoo.

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