Chapter 2

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Inside the waiting room of team mighty everyone from the team are waiting for the call for them to come up to the stage. Each personnels of the team are doing their own things while waiting.

The coach and analyst are still analysing and coming up with plans for the game. Some players like Kuro and KY are doing their routine to prepare themselves both mentally and physically for the match. Meanwhile there's a nervous looking guy among the team.

*Ego pov

Damn thiago really is hard to handle. He's such a flawless player, I can't find any real flaws from him.

I am now are watching the clips moments of the other teams to analyze one of their stars players so I find more of his weakness that we haven't spotted yet so I can utilize the plans we've come up with. I was on my phone until I feel someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Hyung-nim~~" turns out it was Youngjae who tapped me. I haven't heard what he has to say, but judging from his face I can already think of a few possible reasons behind it.

"Waee? What's wrong Youngjae-ah?"

"I'm so nervous hyung, I feel like my heartbeat might bounce out form my chest just feel it" just like I expected it's because he's nervous right now. When he pulled my hand and put it closer to his chest I can feel his chest beating so hard.

Gosh he's really nervous, I need to calm him down now or else he might not perform

"Calm down a little bit Youngjae-ah, this is not your first time being in this situation and you always manage to do well all the time, I'm sure you will do fine too this time. We can cover up for you too, so don't get too worry too much" I said to him trying to calm him down a little bit, at least to the normal level where he can still perform well with it.

"But we never play in our own home country hyungnim, I'm afraid I won't be able to perform well tonight because of the pressure"

"You will play very very good don't worry. You're the best anyway at playing under the pressure among the five of us so don't worry"

"I think I'm slightly calming down for now. Thank you so much Hyungnim, you're really great with it" like he said finally his slightly calms down. He's not as tenses as before and he looks less concerned.

"You're welcome Youngjae-ah, I don't want our main combatant playing bad anyway it'll make it hard for us to win"

"Being the leader as always I see" he slightly joked a little bit which I responded just by raising my shoulder "Anyway is your mom gonna come and see you hyungnim?"

"She will, I wish I can spot her later but we'll see. What about your's Youngjae-ah?"

"My full family is coming hyung, they said they'll buy me a hanu set if I win this match"

"That's another for you to leads us to victory I guess. Fighting ok, let's have fun"

"You too Hyungnim"

"Guysss come here let's have a simple last brief" our coach call us to gather at the middle of the room for a little bit of team talking for the last time before we go up to the stage.

I put down my phone and reach out to crutches next to me, after I get a hold on it I tried to get up but it's getting a little bit hard. I struggle for a little bit until I saw a hand reaching out infront of me.

"Let me help you Hyung"

"Thank you so much Youngjae-ah" I grab his hand and he helps pulling me up slowly. Both of us then walk to the center of the room and gathering with the rest of the team.

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