Chapter 6

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It's been a few months since the shooting of fearless kkura happening. It's parties are still continuing with each other activities.

Sakura and Hanni still doing their idol's duty, with new jeans recently having finish their recent comeback and le sserafim with their comeback next week in schedule. Both groups are going strong and cemented themselves as a strong groups. Hanni's popularity though keep going up with each days.

On the other side, Y/N just recently finished another lan tournament. This time it was held overseas, so It's only a few days since him and his team to comeback to Korea.

Right now Hanni is walking towards this newly opened cake cafe around her neighborhood since it's her days off today. This cafe is the favorite place for new jeans when they're carving for some cakes, since the cafe have produced a really delicious cafe.

The cafe is pretty well known not just because the delicious cake they made but also because of their services and photogenic interior. Many young gens go here for many reasons. Usually the cafe is packed with the customers from time to time, but maybe it is her luck now that the cafe isn't that full. That way it's safer for her not to getting recognize by her fans.

"Welcome to TM cafe" the lady at the cashier greets Hanni. At first she was gonna treat her like their normal customer but when she realized the customer in front of her was Hanni her face immediately lit up with excitement "Hanni-ya long time no see. It's been a long time since you came" Mrs. Sung greeted her cheerfully while she pulls Hanni for a hug. Hanni gladl return back the gesture and soon after Mrs.Sung broke the hug off.

"It truly is right Mrs. Sung. How are you doing?"

"Well I'm good. I'm glad to meet you again Hanni-ya. I thought you won't come here anymore, since you haven't come for months. It's the record for the longest time you're not coming"

"I didn't think you'll take notes about it but don't worry Mrs.sung that won't happen. me and my members really love this cafe, there's no way that we won't come here again. Well the truth is we're very eager to pay a visit, but our schedule was so packed up and if not we were too tired to go out so yeah...." Hanni said to the older woman.

"Hahaha it's fine. Anyway the same order like usual?"

"Actually I want something different. I heard you have a few new beverages on your menu, can I get some of it?"

"Sure sure anything else Hanni?"

"I think that's all Mrs.Sung"

"Alright, wait for a minute ok. I'll deliver your food when it's ready"

"Thank you very much Mrs.Sung"

"You're welcome Hanni, enjoy your stay. I'll bring your food to you once it's finished"

After she finished ordering her food, Hanni proceed to go to the second floor to search for a seat. The second floor is where many of the customer are, since it's more private up there and also the interior and spot for some photo session are good to there.

Once she climbed up the stairs and arrive at the floor above, she saw that there's only a guy at the window of the cafe. The way the guy is dressing up kinda familiar to her, at first she thought that he is an idol too just like her. But upon further inspection she slowly recognized the guy, but she wasn't sure if she was right so she slowly approach him to make sure.

He was gazing at the street outside, observing the peoples who are walking passed the street so he hasn't notice yet that Hanni is walking closer to him. Until....

*Tap tap

Hanni taps the guy's shoulder which makes him turn around in her direction. Hanni was shocked to see his face without the full disguise she used to see from him. She always feels like he's gonna be a good looking guy, but after she saw his face she was taken aback because it exceeded her expectations.

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