Chapter 4

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Song of the chapter: Cool For The Summer by Demi Lovato

Emily's POV

When we arrived at the beach, I was glad to see that it wasn't too busy, but there were definitely people there. Austin parked and we got out.

He opened the backdoor. "She's still asleep," he whispered.

"Well, too late now. Guess she'll have to sleep on me until she wakes up." I slowly and gently undid Lucy's buckles while Austin grabbed everything else.

Hauling my sleeping daughter into my arms, the three of us started down the boardwalk.

"I already see rowdy teenagers," I complained.

"Emily. You're almost 21. I'm sure you can handle a few teenagers," Austin patiently told me.

"If one of their little footballs or whatever comes within even fifteen feet of Lucy, I'll backhand them like Chris Brown. No one messes with my baby."

"I believe you will," Austin told me.

We found a spot and he set the umbrella up with a chair and towels underneath. I sat down slowly and fixed Lucy's position on my shoulder.

I could see the desperation in my boyfriend's eyes, and I sighed. "Go swim."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you two."

"We're fine. Besides, you were in a huge hurry to get here," I said.

"I won't be out there long, I promise. Lucy might wake up anyways." He gave me a quick kiss and jogged down the beach towards the water.

I leaned against the back of the chair and made myself comfortable. Slipping on my aviators, I took in the sight in front of me. Teenagers running around. Parents with their kids, building sandcastles or swimming. Couples walking down the beach hand in hand.

It made me think of when Lucy got older; when Austin and I would be able to do more things with her, when she would be able to talk, to walk and crawl. It was scary to think it wouldn't be long before any of that happened. Wow, being a mother really changed your outlook on things.

After about half an hour, Lucy stirred and her eyes fluttered open. She yawned and I smiled. "Hi, sleepyhead."

I grabbed her blanket and slid down onto the towels, lying it down. Carefully lying her down on the blanket, I grabbed her monkey.

"Guess who missed you while you were sleeping?" I cooed as I gently shook it above her head. She giggled in happiness. "Yes he did. Did you miss him too?"

I bent down and nibbled her cheek. When I sat up straight and handed her the monkey, I saw that I was getting a few stares as people walked by.

 When I sat up straight and handed her the monkey, I saw that I was getting a few stares as people walked by

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