Chapter 44

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Song of the chapter: House Party by Sam Hunt

Emily's POV

We ate and made small talk, and I loaded the dishwasher while Austin went to find Pancakes so he could feed her. It was actually so hard to find that dog sometimes in this huge home. She was always in the most random places. One time, I found her in one of the downstairs bathrooms shower sleeping. Another time, I found her under our bed, and Austin found her behind the TV in the den once. Don't ask how we always manage to miss her hiding places.

I went upstairs to shower and when I got out, I found Austin in the walk-in closet in our bedroom. "Where was she this time?"

"Lucy's closet," he replied.

"Figures," I said. "I'm going to dry my hair."

"You do that." Since my hair was about the same length as Kylie Jenner's, which was near my elbows, it took a while to dry, so by the time I was done drying my hair, Austin was already changed.

"How do you get dressed so fast?" I asked as I rifled through my part of the closet.

He shrugged. "I don't know. I'm a dude."

"Yeah, but you're you."


He was wearing black jeans with a chain, a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up that was unbuttoned at the top revealing his necklaces, and colourful high tops. His hair was already styled too, all tousled to perfection. Even though he was 21, he looked 18. I guess I shouldn't be talking; I looked like Leah's age. I'd probably get ID'd at the club.

"I won't be long," I said, grabbing a dress from the rack.

"Don't rush," Austin said, belly flopping onto the bed. "I could watch you change all day."

"You're a perv."

"You love me."

I rolled my eyes and closed the closet door. "Don't wear white!" Austin yelled.

"I'm not!" The dress I picked was a simple black cocktail dress with the sides cut out. I chose hot pink Jeffrey Campbells to go with it that made me close to Austin's height. After throwing that all on, I went back into the bedroom and grabbed my curler.

Austin whistled. "Not bad, Smith."

"Not bad?"

"I'm just kidding; you look as beautiful as ever. But you look especially beautiful in that dress."

"Thanks," I smiled as I grabbed my makeup. I did a black smokey eye. "What time is it?"


"Oh, we have plenty of time. Which is good, because my hair is going to take forever."

"I wanna try and curl it," Austin said excitedly as he jumped off the bed, just as I was sitting down on my vanity chair.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

"You could burn my scalp."

"Oh, yeah. Well, I'll be careful."

"Just like you were careful that time you shaved my legs for me when I was pregnant because I couldn't reach, and you cut me?"


I sighed and handed him the hot curler. "Fine. Loose curls, please."

He grabbed a chunk of my hair. "You got it. Loosey Goosey."

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