Chapter 22

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Song of the chapter: All I Ever Need by Austin Mahone

Emily's POV

"I'm really glad we got to do this. It's been a long time, hasn't it?" I said. "You know, I don't usually do dinner like this, especially with all of these rumors going around right now. You look really pretty tonight. Is that a new shirt? It really brings out the color of your eyes. What do you think of this meal?"

Lucy just stared at me before she stuck the crushed watermelon in her mouth with her fingers.

I sighed and dropped my fork onto my plate. "I'm losing it, Lucy. I wish your dad would come home."

Pancakes walked over and set her head on my lap. I looked down. "Hey, girl. You miss him, too?"

She whimpered in response, and I stroked her fur. "I thought so."

It had been another three days, bringing it to a full week since Austin had walked out. Three days since Alex had called and I let out my frustrations to Austin, who I knew was listening on the other end with Alex I was hoping Austin would have at least called, or something, but nope. Nothing.

"Lucy, you're dripping all over your new shirt," I sighed as I grabbed a napkin and wiped her front. "That's why you use a spoon."

She shook her head hard, kicking her feet. "Okay, okay, use your fingers. Sheesh." That got a wicked grin out of her. Austin and I called it her 'Victory Grin'. It was probably one of the creepiest things we've ever seen.

I glanced at the clock. It was six in the evening. "Awe, nice. The Vampire Diaries is on!"

I grabbed the TV remote and flicked on the TV to the right channel. You could watch TV in the living room from our dining room because the wall seperating the two rooms wasn't a full wall; it was lower, maybe three feet tall.

I watched as I cleaned up mine and Lucy's supper. "No! Damon, why'd you turn Elena's humanity off? She's going crazy!" I got really into that show, as you could tell. "It's okay, I still love you. You're lucky you're gorgeous."

If any of you readers watch The Vampire Diaries and are Team Damon, then I, Emily Smith, am your new best friend. You know where it's at.

I glanced over at Lucy when the show finished and saw that she was dozing off. "Oh, sweetie, how can you be tired?" I laughed lightly as I walked over and scooped her up. "You just had a nap not too long ago."

She curled her hands into my hair and yawned, so I took that as a cue to take her to bed. I grabbed her monkey and headed up the grand staircase, Pancakes following close behind.

"Alright, sweetie, stay awake for two more minutes," I told Lucy. I set her down and rummaged around in her drawer for pajamas. Pulling out her favorite Care Bear ones, I quickly but gently undressed her and changed her diaper before slipping her into the pajamas. I ran a brush through her thick brown hair before setting her in her crib.

I gently hummed until her eyes closed. When I knew she was asleep, I leaned over and kissed her head before turning her mobile on.

I pointed at Pancakes. "Keep a good eye on her, girl," I whispered. "You always do."

She prodded my knee with her head and curled into a ball at the edge of the crib. I bent to pet her. "Best guard dog ever."

When I got back downstairs, I heard a song playing on the radio that I had left on. When I got closer to the dining room, I recognized the lyrics and voice. It was "All I Ever Need", the song Austin had wrote for me awhile back; a couple months ago.

"Like you need to light my life. If you need me anytime, you know I'm always right by your side. See I've never felt this love, you're the only thing that's on my mind," I sang softly, tears threatening to fall. "You don't understand how much you really mean to me, I need you in my life, you're my necessity. But believe me you're everything that just makes my world complete, and my love is clear the only thing that I'll ever see. You're all I ever need, baby you're amazing. You're my angel come and save me..."

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