Chapter 11

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Song of the chapter: Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber

Emily's POV

"Alright, Lucy, you play nicely with Pancakes while I work on this song," I told my daughter as I set her down on her play mat beside Pancakes. Lucy grabbed her monkey, which was her way of saying 'Leave me alone so I can play.'

Sitting down at the piano, I opened my songbook. "Okay, here we go. First verse is somewhat done, and..." I flipped through the rest of the pages. "And apparently that's all I have. I thought I wrote more."

"Talking to yourself?" Austin asked as he strolled into the den, shoving chips into his mouth.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I am talking to myself," I stared at him. "That's disgusting."

"What?" He said through a mouthful of food.

I looked at him pointedly and he swallowed with a blush. "Oh, that. Sorry," he flopped down on the ground beside Lucy and Pancakes. "I was coming to see if they wanted to play outside."

"You're gonna watch the two of them? Outside? By yourself?"

Austin rolled his eyes. "It's not like I'm going to lose one of them."

"Pancakes ran off twice last week because you weren't paying attention, and Lucy almost fell off the swing a few days ago!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, I caught her in time!"

"That's beside the point, Austin. The point is that you can't watch the two of them by yourself. It's like monitoring hummingbirds; they're everywhere at once!"

Austin stood up. "Thanks for the confidence boost, Ems," he said sarcastically. "But I think I'll manage," he bent to help Lucy up and took her hand. "C'mon Pancakes!"

Pancakes jumped up and the three of them walked out of the den. I yelled after my boyfriend. "If I hear crying, you are a dead man, Austin Mahone!"

"You won't!" He yelled back. I heard the door open and close a few minutes later.

My phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey girl," Taylor said from the other line.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I need to ask you a huge favor."

"I am not shipping Alex off to Zealand."

"I wasn't going to say that," Taylor replied.

"I'm not shipping him off to Turkey either," I told her.


"Seriously, Taylor?"

"I'm kidding. But in all seriousness, I do need a favor. The power went out at my place so my oven isn't working, and I was supposed to bake a cake for my mom and dad's anniversary."

"Let me guess. You need me to make it here and you'll pick it up on your way to your parent's."

"You see? This is why you're my best friend!" She said happily.

I sighed. "You're lucky you are, or I wouldn't be doing it. When do you need it by?"

"I'll stop by to pick it up at six."

I glanced at the clock. It was 4:30 now. "Alright, fine."

"I would do it, Emily, but your oven is so complex."

"No, you wouldn't."

"Yeah, I know, it didn't sound right when I said it. You know how I feel about anything that involves work."

"Unfortunately I do. I'll see you later."

"Thanks Emily, I owe you big time!"

"Yeah you do," I hung up and set my phone down. "Guess the song will have to wait until later." I stood up and stretched before heading to the kitchen to get the baking ingredients ready.

While I was mixing the batter, I tried to think of more lyrics for the song, but it was hard to think with the whir of the mixer blades, so I gave up on that.

I put the cake in the oven for it to bake, and Lucy ran into the kitchen, followed by Austin and Pancakes. Lucy ran at my legs and wrapped her arms around them.

"Hey sweetie," I laughed as I picked her up. She giggled.

"They're both very much alive," Austin told me as he gave Pancakes water.

"I see that."

Austin looked at me pointedly until I relented. "Okay, I'm sorry I doubted you. I won't do it again."

He grinned in satisfaction. "Thank you," he glanced at the clock. "Want to order takeout?"


"Pizza okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I set Lucy down. "I think there are coupons on the fridge."

Austin walked over and took them off from their place under a magnet. "I'll go pick it up now."

He grabbed his jacket before heading out to the hallway. I scooped his keys up from the counter and held them out just as Austin walked back into the kitchen.

"There's no way I could without you," Austin said sheepishly as he took his keys.

"Uh huh," I giggled. He grinned and gave me a quick kiss before leaving the room. The door opened and closed a moment later.

"Lucy, no, you don't put that in your mouth," I scolded as I walked over to her and grabbed the object she was sucking on. I gasped. "Is this my lipstick? How on earth did you get this?"

In response, she giggled madly and clapped her hands before going to sit with Pancakes.

"I'm watching you, Luce," I told her.

When the cake was done baking, I took it out and let it cool before icing it and decorating it quickly. The doorbell rang and I grabbed the cake before hurrying to answer it. It was Taylor.

"Here," I said as I handed the cake over.

"You're a lifesaver, Emily," she sighed with relief. "Seriously, thank you so much."

"You're welcome," I paused. "That'll be forty bucks."

"What?" Taylor shrieked.

"I'm kidding," I laughed. "But I've got to go, Lucy's in the other room."

"Same. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Sounds good. See you," I said as she hurried down the steps.

"Thanks again!" She called over her shoulder.

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