Chapter 21

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Song of the chapter: The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez

Emily's POV

"How is that possible?" I exclaimed.

"I just got a text from Alex saying they've seen it," Taylor replied.

"This isn't happening," I groaned, flopping down onto the couch. "Now he'll definitely think I'm cheating on him."

"No, he won't. Austin's smarter than that. Alex just said he watched in silence."

"Yeah, and when Austin is silent, you know he's pissed!"

"Calm down, Emily."

"I hope he doesn't think I'm cheating on him. It's not like I can beg and plead that it wasn't what it looked like; he's not here."

"Emily, stop torturing yourself," Taylor said.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are, and it's not going to help. Why don't we go out? You can bring Lucy if you want."

"I'll get her soon, yeah. Sure, it'll get things off my mind," I replied. "What do you want to do?"

"We can get Quinn and hit up Marnie's."

Marnie's was one of the many clubs in Miami. Typical Taylor would want to go there.

"Taylor, I don't really think it would be good to go clubbing in my current situation," I snapped. "Especially with a baby."

"Fine. But we're going to one soon; we haven't gone in so long. I need to get my freak on."

"Your freak on?" I repeated

"Yeah. That's what I said."

"Whatever," I sighed. "Can we just go to the mall?"

"If you want," Taylor said. "I'll get Quinn on the line." I waited for a bit until I heard a phone ringing.

"Hey Taylor," came Quinn's cheery voice.

"Hey Quinn, Emily's here, too."

"Hi Emily!"

"Hey," I said. "We were wondering if you wanted to come to the mall. I saw something on TV I really wish I hadn't, and I need to get my mind off it."

"Oh, yeah, I saw that, too. That's really awful. Things will get better, Emily. I would love to go to the mall, but I promised Sheridan I would take her to watch Leah's softball game. You guys are more than welcome to come if you want."

"You know what? That sounds great right now," I sighed. "What time?"

"Be at the ball park at the high school in a hour!"

"Sounds good," Taylor and I said. "See you later."

"Oh, Emily, Sheridan wants you to bring Lucy," Quinn added.

"Oh yes, she'll be coming," I laughed lightly. "See you."

"Bye!" Quinn hung up and it was just Taylor and I.

"I've got to go get ready. I'll pick you up in half an hour," I told Taylor.

"Half an hour? That's only enough time for me to pick out an outfit."


"Okay, fine, I'll cut it down to twenty minutes. Bye," she said. We hung up and I set my phone down before heading upstairs.

I changed into jean shorts and a white t-shirt, throwing my hair in a side braid. See, that took me a minute. And Taylor takes thirty?

Slipping on flip flops, I went downstairs and out to the garage to get my car. I called my mom. "Hi, honey," she greeted.

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