Chapter 48

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Song of the chapter: Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw

Emily's POV

I shook my head and went out to my car. When I arrived at Quinn's house, she was sitting on the steps with Leah, so I parked and got out.

"Hey, Emily," they both greeted as I walked up to them.

"Hey! How are you, Leah? I haven't seen you since you got out of the hospital."

"I'm good," she smiled. She still had the bruise on her cheek and cuts, but she looked happier. She just got out a couple of days earlier, so she wasn't dressed like she usually was. She just had sweatpants and a hoodie on, her curly brown hair pulled into a bun. "I heard you had a fun time this past weekend."

I groaned. "You told her?" I said to Quinn.

She grinned. "I had to, it was too funny not to. She was dying the whole time."

Leah started laughing. "As if you called Quinn Austin. That's priceless! When I turn 21, please do that again so I can be there to watch."

"Oh god, I don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon. My hangover was horrible, Austin had to nurse me the whole day," I said.

"I was playing nurse for Jesse. He was so bad, too. I talked to Taylor and she said she and Alex were fine." Quinn shrugged. "Guess they can hold alcohol better. They also didn't mix a bunch of different kinds." She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Okay, we get it, I have a wild side," I said, throwing my hands up, making the two sisters laugh. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah," Quinn said, standing up. "See you later, Leah."

"Bye guys," Leah said, waving as we walked down the sidewalk back to the car.

"Is that a new shirt?" I asked Quinn as I drove off. "It looks good. You know, without a big beer stain on it."

She rolled her eyes. "Knock it off, Emily. I told you it's fine." She actually was wearing a new shirt though. It was a hot pink tank top with black accents on the front. Her hair was thrown back into a low bun with some braids twisted into it. She was so effortlessly beautiful.

"I still feel bad," I told her.

"Well don't."

I sighed and turned the music up. "Oh, this is my jam!" Quinn said, turning it up more.

I eyed her as I stopped at a red light. "You like this song?" It was a hardcore rock song.

She nodded. "Oh yeah, this is my kind of music."

"Really? I didn't peg you as the kind of girl that listened to this stuff."

"Are you kidding me?" she practically laughed. "Look at me!" She gestured to all of her piercings up her ear and her nose ring, and to her bleached hair.

"I was being sarcastic," I said.

"You need to work on your sarcasm, girl."

I smiled, and the light turned green. We arrived at the coffee shop ten minutes later.

"What do you want?" I asked as we went in.

"Non-fat soy mocha latte with milk and shot of caramel and whip cream," Quinn told me.

"Okay, you can tell the cashier that because I already forget what you just told me," I said, taking out my wallet.

"Well, what do you get?"

"A caramel latte," I said. "I'm kind of boring."

"Clearly," Quinn laughed as we went up to order. When we sat down at the table, my phone rang.

"Who would that be?" I said to myself as I dug it out of my purse. "Hello?"

"Emily? Is Quinn with you?"

"Jesse?" Quinn looked at me at the mention of her boyfriend's name. "Um, yeah she is, just a second." I handed Quinn my phone and shrugged. "He wants to talk to you."

She looked confused but took it. "Hello? Why didn't you just call my cell?" She paused and looked down at the pockets of her jeans. "Oh, I didn't even realize I didn't have it with me...If you already fed her then there's nothing else, she's probably just grumpy. Try putting her down for a nap if you want, but if she doesn't stop, then just leave her and let her cry, she'll stop eventually...Okay, bye." She hung up and handed my phone back to me. "Here."

"Is Jesse watching Sheridan or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just needed somebody to watch her for today because I was busy helping my mom with errands. My dad isn't home, Jace is still in Orlando, and I'm not leaving Sheridan with Leah alone yet," Quinn replied, taking a sip of her latte. "So Jesse offered."

"That was nice of him," I commented.

"Yeah, he loves watching her. Except when she throws tantrums, like she apparently is now. But really, nobody likes dealing with grouchy kids, even parents. He can handle her."

"You deserve a break," I said.

Quinn gave a small smile. "She's been sucking the energy out of me lately. Even just a day without her is good."

"Lucy has been spending a lot of time at either mine or Austin's parents house since she won't get to see them that often when Austin's tour starts."

"You guys are going with him?"

"We haven't decided for sure," I admitted. "I mean, I've always gone with him for shows and tours, but this is the first tour with a baby. Lucy wouldn't be able to last for that long."

"That's true," Quinn agreed. "You could just leave her with your parents or Austin's parents while you're gone."

"We would miss her way too much," I said. "Besides, my mom and dad are going on vacation soon, and Austin's parents are too busy with work."

"Oh, I see. Well, when does the tour start?"

"In two weeks."

She whistled. "Better decide quickly whether or not you and Lucy are going with him."

I sighed. "I know. I think Austin is avoiding the topic, to be honest."

"More than likely. He probably doesn't want to have to talk about the possibility of having to leave his girls behind for three months."

"I don't want to be away from him for that long, either. But Lucy comes first."

"Of course she does."

While we sipped our coffees in silence, I couldn't help but wonder about the possibility of being separated from Austin so long. I never missed a show, or tour. Would I be able to handle it?

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