Chapter 18

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Song of the chapter: Apologize by OneRepublic

Emily's POV

I drove off and arrived at Ginger's fifteen minutes later. Quinn and Taylor were already inside at a table when I got there.

"I did something incredibly stupid," I said as I flopped down beside Taylor across from Quinn. She slid a plate of fries towards me.

Quinn snagged a fry from the plate. "It can't be that bad."

"Oh, it is."

Taylor grabbed her drink. "I doubt it. You do tend to overreact about things you think are bad, Emily," she laughed. "I mean, it's not like you gave another guy your number or something."

"Well," I started.

Quinn choked on the fry and Taylor spit out her drink. "Emily!" They exclaimed when they got themselves together.

"It's not like I meant to hurt anybody!" I defended. "This guy is new to the area and he doesn't have a lot of friends!"

"Emily, I know you meant well, but honey," Quinn shook her head. "That was not a smart move. Did you tell Austin?" I nodded guiltily. "And?"

"He was mad."


"Okay, he was furious. But he overreacted, too, and you should have heard what he said to me!" I turned to Taylor. "T?"

"Sorry, Emily, but I'm with Quinn on this one," she admitted.

"How'd you even meet this guy?" Quinn asked. "What's his name, anyways?"

"Jesse. I took Pancakes to the dog run and she started chasing his dog," I said. "We started talking and ended up swapping numbers. But you guys know that I would never hurt Austin, or leave him for somebody else. Ever. I love him too much."

"We know, Emily," Taylor smiled sympathetically. "He'll get over it. You know Austin. He gets extremely jealous."

"Clearly," I scoffed. "That was probably the worst fight we've ever had. And that's saying something, because we never fight."

Quinn took a sip of her drink. "Look at the positive side of things. At least you know Austin cares a lot about losing you, otherwise he wouldn't have acted the way he did. You're just lucky he doesn't know what Jesse looks like or else he'd be a dead man." Quinn paused. "He doesn't know what Jesse looks like, right?"

"No, he doesn't."

Taylor spoke up. "So, are you meeting this Jesse guy again?"

"I don't know," I moaned. "He said he wanted to get coffee sometime but he promised it would be strictly platonic. He knows I'm dating Austin, and he respects that."

"At least he had to decency to tell you that. Most guys don't care if a girl is already in a relationship. They'll do anything to get her," she replied.

My phone rang. "That'll be Austin," I sighed. "This should go over fabulous." I answered it. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Ginger's with Taylor and Quinn. I told you that already."

"No, you told me you were with Taylor and Quinn. Not that you were at Ginger's."

"Why does it matter where I am then, if you know who I'm with? Keeping tabs on my whereabouts now?" I snapped.

He was quiet for a moment, and I gasped. "Oh my god, you totally are! I can't believe you, Austin, get over it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just sit back and relax while my girlfriend is quite possibly out with another guy! Why would I ever care about that?" He replied sarcastically.

"How many times do I have to say it? There is nothing going on between me and Jesse, and there never will be! I thought you knew I loved you and you only, but apparently I was wrong."

"Emily, I haven't even met this guy."

"My point exactly! Look, I am not having this conversation with you over the phone, people are starting to stare. I'll be home soon." I hung up and slammed my phone down.

"Wow," Quinn whistled. "Sounds bad." Taylor put her arm around me in a comforting gesture and gave me a quick hug, causing a small smile to appear.

" Taylor put her arm around me in a comforting gesture and gave me a quick hug, causing a small smile to appear

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"Shoot me," I deadpanned before I threw my head on the table. "This day can't get any worse."


"Or maybe it can."

You have GOT to be kidding me.


Their first fight in this book....😔

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