Chapter 24: Rehearsing for VMAS.**'

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Chapter 24: Rehearsing for the Vmas**'

Beyonce's Point of View:

Today is the day we are finding out what gender our baby is. Me and Jay was already in the hospital and I was on the bed. Jay's personal doctor was the one checking me. She already placed everything on my stomach and she had to do was tell me if it is a boy or a girl that I am seeing on the Tv screen. The doctor looked at me and walked up to the Tv.

"Wow." she said to herself.. I held Jay's hand. "What?"

"You are getting twins Beyoncé."

Me and Shawn glanced looks. Before I did an expression I wanted to see his. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"We having twins!" he cheered.

"What's the sexes?" I asked her. She pointed to the left head. "That's a girl"

She pointed to the right head. "That's a boy"

Me and Jay glanced looks again and smiled at each other. The doctor came and took the stuff off of me and I sat up. "I have a question." I said. She looked at me "Yes Beyoncé."

"I am performing in a week. Will I be able to do so or no?"

She thought for a moment and sat down. "You can perform. Do everything you have been doing in rehearsals. Do it the way you would have done it if there was no baby." I smiled "Great."

"I wish you good luck." We got up and he walked me to the car. When we got in Jay held my hand. "Twins.." he said I looked at him. "Twins baby. Twins." I said. "A boy and a girl" he said."One for you and one for me" I said.

He chuckled. "Mm, baby give me some lovin" he said.

I chuckled and gave him a peck on the lips. He laughed and we drove over to the dance studio. Fifteen minutes passed when Shawn stopped in front of the door. I got out and took my purse and Gatorade. I then closed the car door. I walked up to the door and opened it. "AYEEEEEEE!!!" They yelled when they saw me. I smiled "WAHDAAAP BITCHESSS!" I screamed.

They laughed. "So lets get this thing started." I said.

I dropped my purse and placed my Gatorade next to it. I walked up by the dancers as they showed me everything I'll be doing. I danced across the mic feeling the music. I slid to the left and took off my jacket and flipped my hair back and stamped my feet. I took the mic off of the stand and snapped my fingers.

I held my chest and lip synced as they danced along with me. I walked all around them acting like I was on stage for real. I Jumped and landed in a "stop" position.

"You're the one I always call when I need you you make everything stop!"

I jumped and stopped again.

"Baby its youuuu! You're the one that gives your all your the one that always calls, when I need you you make everything stop. FINALLY YOU PUT MY LOVE ON TOP!!" I heard my voice sing. I popped my waist just how the choreographer told me too. Finally we were done and I sat down and took a breath. Jay walked to me.

"You were made for this." he told me.

I smiled "Thanks sir." I playfully said. He laughed.

"You said the wrong thing" he told me.

He sat down next to me.

I looked at him. "Im sorry I meant, Thanks Zaady."

He smiled "There we go."

I laughed and stood up. I walked up to my co manager.

"Excuse me?" I told him.

He looked up at me

"I got a question, Theres gonna be back up singers am I right?"

He nodded and sat back. I gave him an okay sign and walked back up to Jay.

"What you ask him?" he asked me.

"I asked him if I would have back up singers."

"Oh. I forgot to tell you, you'll be singing live."

My eyes popped out. "LIVE!? On my FIRST performance!?"

"Babe, you'll do fine. Just do what you do in the studio."

I shook my head.


I looked at him.

"You'll be fine." he told me.

I sighed and sat back.

So many mistakes can happen..

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