Chapter 25 I : VMAS**'

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Chapter 25: VMAS**' (Part 1)

Beyoncé Point of View

I already walked the red carpet with an orange dress on. I felt great. Even showed my baby bump a little at first.

I was now backstage getting ready. I am already dressed and they are just fixing my hair and makeup. I am wearing a purple jacket its made out of real rubies. I just found that out. Diamond made stilettos and just some black pants.

As they fixed my makeup Jay stood beside me. "I want you to go out there and don't watch no one but me. Since you're gonna be scared." I laughed. "I'm gonna be fine."

He smiled. "Good." I stood up and the people walked out of my dressing room. I walked up to him. "You wanna help my nervousness?" I asked.

He looked at me and winked. "I don't mind." He slid down his pants and he did the same to me and locked the door. "I didn't mean it like that." I said. He laughed. "Well I did." He laid me on the couch and wasted no time un-dressing into me.


I pulled up my pants and Jay did the same. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He already finished cleaning himself.

I walked outside glowing and everything. I walked towards the corner as I Jay led me downstairs. "Stand on that X" I stood on it "It'll bring you up." I nodded as I felt myself coming up.

He held my hand tightly. "I wish you good luck babe." I let go of his hand and smiled.

I slowly went up. They never said who was performing next. That made me even more depraved. They'll just see me jump out and start singing. I laughed at the thought until I was fully on stage.

It had a lot of fake fog so people wouldn't see me yet. I heard the song start playing as I saw people in the crowd seemed to already know it was me.

"Hey!" I singed. "Hey! I want you to feel the love that's growing inside of me.." I sang I danced towards the stand for the mic and placed the mic on it and started singing. I twirled my hands in circle as I sang. People stood up clapping their hands.. I smiled at looked around for Jay but I didn't see him.

I was on the second verse already. "Baby baby, I can hear the wind whipping past my face as we dance the night awaaay. And, boy your lips taste like a night of champagne as I kiss you again and again and again and again." I started popping my shoulders along with the dancers next to me.

"Everybody ask me why I'm smiling out from ear to ear. But I know, Ohhh. Nothings perfect but its worth it after fighting through my tears" I placed the mic back on the stand and wiggled my fingers down. "AND FINALLY YOU PUT ME FIRST!" I started dancing like how the choreographer told me. "BABY ITS YOU YOUR THE ONE I LOVE, YOUR THE ONE I NEED."

I pulled the mic back off the stand and started walking away from the dancers and held my stomach as I sang. At this point I started giving my all. I walked to the aisle and stamped my feet I flipped my hair to the side as the fan blew my hair. I bent my head and closed my eyes. "BABY ITS YOUUU YOUR THE ONE THAT GIVES YOUR ALLL YOUR THE ONE THAT ALWAYS CALLS WHEN I NEED YOU YOU MAKE EVERYTHING STOP!" I jumped up and made a stop position. "FINALLY YOU PUT MY LOVE ON TOP OHH BABY ITS YOU"

I started getting my little life. I strut down the aisle and sang to the top of my lungs. I opened my eyes and watched the crowd. I jumped up and stamped my feet I started clapping my hands while holding the mic I flipped my hair to the side and bent my head still giving my all.

As I lifted back my head I held my chest. I started taking my voice easy as I strut across the aisle again. I was at the last part "YOU PUT MY LOVE ON TOP" I shouted.

I took a deep breath and looked as the crowd got wild. I saw a huge amount of celebrities I have heard but never talked to in person stand up and smiled at me. I even saw Solange, Kelly and Michelle jumping up and down clapping for me screaming. I smiled back at the audience and dropped the mic.

I un-bottoned my jacket and let my stomach show. I still didn't see Jay. I looked for him. When I saw Kanye pushed a man I knew that had to be him. Jay was still clapping his hands for me and smiled at me. I smiled back and walked off stage.


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