Aplogizing to the Mom.

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Shawn's P.O.V.

Beyonce walked in with the two babies in her hand. She sat next to me and placed the baby bag next to me.

"You're turn.." she said giving them to me..

I nodded and took them.

"Take good care of my babies little boy.." she whispered.

I laughed. "Did you feed them?" I asked.

"Yeah. I did." she told me. I nodded and layed Prince on my lap and changed him. I gave Beyonce Prince and changed Blue. Prince fell asleep in his mothers arms and Blue was already asleep. We both got up and walked to their rooms. We placed them in their cribs and I took a good look at Beyonce.

I poked her chest and she giggled and poked me back. I held her hand and brang her up the stairs. I brang her in the bedroom and we layed on the floor.

"You see that mirror?" she asked.


"I be seeing everything.." she whispered.

I laughed. "What you mean everything?" I asked

She raised her eyebrow and smirked. "Everything.."

I chuckled. "Still doesn't answer my question.."

"I be seeing you doing some dirty things Shawn.." she told me.

"You mean those dirty things I do to mommy? No.. Thats not dirty thats clean."

"Its clean when I lick it up.." I mumbled.

But she heard me and she laughed.

"Why you gotta be so nasty?"

"Mm mm" I said in a no way.. "I aint nasty. You're the one I caught in the studio singing about our sex life.."

She opened her mouth wide. "You heard that!?"

I chuckled. "Yeah I heard it.."

She turned around. "I am so embarassed."

"Don't be.." I turned her back around. "Release it.." I told her.

"Release what?" she asked sounding slow.

I chuckled "The song babe."

She laughed and shook her head no. "I don't want them hearing that.."

"I think they'll want to hear that side of you.."

"Nooo.. They'll be fine. They can keep wondering if Im dating you or not.."

I tugged her arm. "They still think you're dating that other guy?"

"Yeah.. I can tell you don't listen to the media." she told me.

"Well of course not. I mean they tell a lot of wrong information." I said

"I watch TMZ their funny.."

I chuckled. "I heard.."

She nodded and sat up. "So can we pull this mirror down? I hate seeing my faces through this.."

I laughed. "I bet you didn't even notice the mirror."

She gave me a smirk.. "Oh I saw it.. Just didn't say anything.."

I laughed. "So naughty.."

"No im not. Take it down.."

"No.." I told her.

She laughed. "You just wanna see yourself.."

"Well why wouldn't I wanna see myself beating that up.."

Sex ain't better than Love : 2013 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now