Compromised. Or did you??

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Beyonce's P.O.V.

"GOOD NIGHT HOUSTON! Ya'll know that this is home.." I said in the mic. The crowd went wild and I smiled. "until next time.." I said strutting backstage. I placed the mic down on the table and walked to Jay. I took Prince. "Hey baby.." I told him. He smiled. I kissed his cheek and gave him back to his father.

"You did great out there.." He told me.

I nodded. "I know."

I walked down the halls into the dressing room. I walked in and closed the door. I sat down on the couch and exhaled. I pulled my heels off and pulled off my leotard. I then took off my breast pads and threw them on the floor. I sat down on the couch exposing myself not really caring. I was tired. My door flew open. I held my two breasts and saw Jay walk in. When I saw it was him I released my breasts. He sat down in front of me. He glanced down at my body and I took a cup of wine and drank it. I looked at him.

"Baby I'm sorry. I love you so much and I do indeed trust you. I know you you didn't have sex in a while. So I know you probably did that and you didn't know." whispered to me.

I nodded and leaned back a bit. "I forgive you, and I'm sorry I made this turn to a big thing.." I told him

He leaned in and kissed me. "I love you so much.." He told me.

"I love you too."

He leaned back in to kiss me again. I kissed him back. The kiss started to get intence. He creeped on top of me making me lay back on the bed, he layed down on me kissing me all over. A slight moan flew out my mouth and I arched my back a little. He then kissed my breasts and licked me back up towards my lip. I held his back and wrapped my legs around him. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and he did the same. Our tongues fought for a while. He had me breathless. I broke the kiss and looked up at him.

"Damn, baby. Don't do all that when you know were not going to be doing anything." I whispered to him.

He chuckled and he gave me a peck on my lips and sat up on me. I got up and walked towards the dressing table. I slipped on my jeans and placed my bra on. I turned around to face him. He smirked at me and stood up. He walked towards me. I smiled at him as he pressed my body on his. "I can't wait to marry you.." He whispered.

"Me too.. You're taking so damn long"

"Me?" He asked.

I nodded. "You placed the ring on it." I whispered.

"WE put the ring on it." He reminded me.

I chuckled. "Okay you win."

He laughed and kissed me. I placed my hand on his shoulders. "Okay. Enough of the loving ness. Where is my children?"

"My mom has them."

"She came to Houston?"


"Thats great.."

I placed my shirt on and took my purse. I walked out the door and walked to the place where I'm supposed to meet the fans. I sat down on the chair and placed my hands on the table. The security gaurds glanced at me. "Ready?" One of them asked. I nodded and they opened the door. I sat back and breathed out. A whole bunch of people crowded my table trying to talk to me at once. I smiled at everyone.

"Ms. Knowles is ready to talk to her fans and to sign anything and anywhere you please. But please hit the straight line or not one person will meet Ms.Knowles." One of the body gaurds said. Everyone ran in a straight line. The first up was this man. Can I just say he was whew sexy. I stood up and greeted him with a hug.

"Beyonce you have no idea how much I love you! Gosh you're more beautiful in person!" They told me.

I smiled and giggled. "I love you too. You're fine as well." I told him.

He smiled. "You really don't know how much that meant to me! Look, I have your name on my arm." He showed me his arm.

I blushed. "Aw, sweets. Thats so cute!" I said smiling. He smiled back and hugged me one more time. This time kissing my cheek. I blushed again. I side eyed my right and saw Jay watching us hard. I got annoyed knowing he was gonna tell me some dumb shit when I go back to the hotel.

Sex ain't better than Love : 2013 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now