Chapter 35: The Delivery**'

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Chapter 35: The Delivery**'
Beyonce's Point of View

I laid there gripping the white sheets and screaming. My eyes shut down immediately and I held underneath my stomach. Could this be the day? Was I about to give birth? The doctor, my future husband, soon to be mother in law and my sister ran inside the room.

The doctor looked at me. "Beyoncé.. Breathe..." He calmly spoke. I bit my bottom lip-trying to hold in my screams as I tried to do what the doctor said.

I looked to my side and saw Shawn standing next to me. I moved my right hand towards him and he held it. Shawn kissed my forehead as Mama Gloria held my left hand. I blinked and Solo stood in front of me smiling. "Thu Thu you'll be alright; this is about to be amazing." she whispered to me.

I slightly smiled and groaned. "Here comes our babies.." Shawn whispered. I closed my eyes and started singing one of my songs "Halo" Shawn gripped my hand tighter and I heard him singing along too. Soon everyone started singing.

"She is on 8.." I heard the doctor say.. "Nine.."

"Ten! Beyonce.. When I count to three I want a huge push okay?" I nodded and gripped mama Gloria and Shawn's hands tighter than before. I tightned my eyes. "I'm ready!" I yelled, wanting them out of me already.

"Three.." everyone whispered, together.
I pushed.
"Come on push again." The doctor exclaimed, widening my legs.
"PUSH!" I pushed harder. "Babe I see a head!" Shawn exclaimed. "PUSH BEYONCE!" Solange yelled. I pushed again. I smiled when I heard a cry..
"Push again babe!" I pushed once more.. When I opened my eyes I saw one of my babies in the doctor's hands. I smiled and took a deep breath. "You ready for baby Blue now?" Shawn asked me.. I bit my lip, holding my pain inside.
"Push thu thu.." Solo said. I pushed for a long time until I was certain that I felt something slide out, Shawn jumped. "Come on babe, PUSH!" I pushed harder and longer. I smiled when I heard another cry. "ONE MORE!" The doctor yelled. I pushed once more, laying in tears.
"There we go." The doctor smiled. I laid back unto the bed.

"Shawn would you like to cut the cords?" The doctor asked.. He looked at me. "Yes.." Shawn left with the doctor in the other room while I laid back with my eyes closed.

"Finally..." I whispered. "Finally.." mama Gloria mocked. I bit my bottom lip and looked up. "Thank you.." Shawn walked in with the babies and came to me.. I looked at him. "Can I hold Prince?" I asked. He nodded.

I smiled as he handed me Prince. Shawn looked at me and smiled. I felt a tear drift down my eye. "Their our creation baby." Shawn whispered. I chuckled and nodded.. "Our beautiful creations." I saw Solo taking pictures. Shawn leaned in to kiss me as I kissed Prince's forehead. "You gon' be a strong little man.." he told him. Prince just yawned and laid back on my arm. The doctors walked in. Mama Gloria took Prince as the doctors started taking off the after birth. I laid there and sighed in relief. "Now I can get my body back." I whispered making Solo and mama Gloria laugh.

"Girl, you don't even have to. You look good. You got thicker.. It helped you.." Solo said. I shook my head. "I wanna be slim."

"Baby you're fine.." Shawn said, I giggled. "Whatever."

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