Fucking Pimple

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I run my tongue across my lip and wince in pain. "Auuuuustin!" I yell down the hall.
"Yeah babe?" He answers walking into our room from his office. I turn around and stare at him with a sad look. "What's wrong?" His grip quickly proceeds to my arms in worry. "I have a pimple on my lip and it really, really hurts."
I watch his facial expression change and at first I think he might yell at me, but then he lets out a laugh. "A pimple?"
I nod my head. He smiles then drops his grip on me, pushing past me and walking into the bathroom. Soon he reappears with a small circular tube of carmex. "Come here," he whispers as he opens the top and puts a little on his finger. "Let me see."
I step closer and his finger dabs on my lip. A burning sensation prickles, then soon goes away. He pulls his finger away and put the top back on the tube.
"It'll be gone by morning, I promise."
I smile. "Thank you."
He comes forward and wraps his arms around my waist. His lips press against my forehead softly. "Anytime my love"

Imagine: Austin Mahone Edition *EDITING*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon