Flappy Bird

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Austin sits playing Flappy Birds on his phone beside me, and for some reason it's getting on my last nerve.
"Could you at least turn the sound off?" I ask him praying he would. The constant win/die noise is so frustrating. He completely ignores me like I didn't even say a word. I decide to wave my hand in front of his face, but his eyes never move off the screen.
"Austin," I say more angered.
"Austin Cater," I repeat adding his middle name. Still nothing..
"AUSTIN CARTER MAHONE" I yell at the top of my lungs, pulling my hair out, and even stomping my feet but it didn't seem to get him to care. "Ughh!" I groan and stand up, walking out of the room. I turn to grab the door to slam it, but a hand stops me. My eyes dagger up and meet Austin's. He has a cheesy grin upon his lips. "I love making you mad."
I sigh and shove his chest. We both laugh and he wraps his arms around me kissing my cheek. "It isn't my fault you're extremely cute when you're mad.."

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