Aisle 5

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3 am and the quicky marts parking lot is empty. I pull up to the front door and go inside. My knee pops with each step. I turn down aisle 5 looking for the braces. I see ankle braces, wrist braces, but on the shelf that says knee braces is empty. "Fuck," I mumble and turn around. My face hits a warm, yet hard chest. "Sorry!" Both of us say at the say time. Two hands grip my shoulders and two piercing green eyes look down to mine. "I'm Austin," he says without any other hesitation. "I know," I chuckle, blushing. He raises his eyebrow and smiles. "Well then if you know me, you should give me the honors of knowing you." He drops his grip and reaches his hand out. "(Y/N).." I stutter and reach out, shaking it.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
I look down trying to hide my bright red face. "Thanks"
"Is your knee okay?" He asks looking down at my swollen knee. "No I think I popped something out of place unpacking."
"You just move here?" he asks surprisingly.
"Yeah" I say and nod my head. His eyes look behind me to the vacant shelf. "I have an extra brace in my car if you want it. This store is crappy when it comes to restocking. There's no telling when they'll get more in."
I take step back and shake my head. "That's okay, I couldn't take it from you. It wouldn't feel right."
He grins. "Then how about I give it to you and you take me out for frozen yogurt to thank me?"
"Right now?"
"Yes right now. I know the perfect place."
I bite the inside of my lip. Is the actual Austin Mahone flirting with me?
"Okay..." I let out agreeing to his charm. He walks up beside me and slips his hand on my waist to act as a crutch, and then helps me back to the car. "Good cause I don't know how I'd get your number if you would have said no."

Imagine: Austin Mahone Edition *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now