Goodbye Austin

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{I do not hate Camila. Lots of people requested I write this, so please no hate.}

Rain trickles down on the windshield of my car. Nothing too heavy, but enough to smug. The windshield wipers work hard just for my ability to see. I turn left and pull into my familiar driveway. My eyes blink twice just to make sure I'm seeing things right. Beside my boyfriend Austin's car is a bright red Volvo which I happen to know is an old friend of his, whom I don't particularly like.
I quickly park in the garage and get out. My anxiety builds as I walk in the door quietly, and there is no sound. All the lights are off, and the atmosphere is out of the ordinary. "Austin, I'm home..." I say kind of loudly. I get no reply. I drop my stuff down on the table and walk up the stairs. Still nothing but silence. I look in the bedroom, but nothing is out of place. I walk into the game room, but again, nothing has been touched. My feet find there way back downstairs and I try calling to Austin again, but I get no response. I pull the curtains in the living room, and see a light in the back yard by the hot tub. What the hell? It's raining.

I walk out onto the awning, keeping myself sheltered from the rain. I get a little closer and I hear slight moan. Finally my eyes shift and see the tan color of Austin's back hitting the side of the blue colored box. My heart drops when I see the black hair of Camila bouncing up and down on his lap. "Oh fuck Mahoneee!"
My head tells me to run, leave, never come back, but I can't force myself to move. I stand there and watch as they finish their little fun. She looks down at him as she sits on his lap. Her arms are tangled around his neck with his on her sides. The smile on both of their faces are so happy, so in... In love.. But I thought he loved me..

The rain picks up harder and Camila looks up. "We should go in."
Austin agrees with her, and both of them get out. I quickly walk back into the house and grab my bag. For a split second, I look back up and see them coming straight for me, holding each other tight. One may say they look like they are 'lost in love'...
Before they walk into the house, I walk out to the garage. I step in my car and back away. When I'm far enough away, I pull off to the side of the street and shut the ignition off. Tears run down my face, but I can't help but feel like I should have seen this coming. I travel too much, therefore I'm never home. I don't spend enough time with Austin when I am with him. For some reason I always chose my job.. Camila doesn't. She's always been there for him...
My hands wipe away the water from my face, and I reach into the backseat, grabbing a note pad from my briefcase.
Before I know it, words are falling down on the paper in front of me.

Dear Austin, my sweet love. I now realize how much of a fool I've been. I love you unconditionally, but I guess unconditional love isn't love at all. I've neglected you and I see it now. You deserve so much more. I'm glad you've found someone as loving as Cam. I hope she treats you with as much of the love you aim for. I'm leaving today for a new country, a new life. My job takes me far and I'm sorry for not doing this in person. I think it'll just be easier this way. I'll send someone for the rest of my things soon. I wish you the best. No matter what, you will always be my Ameezy.
Goodbye Austin..
Love, (Y/N)..

I fold up the paper and hold it in my hands. I start my car and make a U-Turn in the middle of the street. My breathing quickens when I notice her car slowly backing out. Luckily she doesn't pass me. She turns away and quickly drives down the path in front of me. I pull up to the mail box and open it. My fingers shake at the cold touch of water falling on my skin. I shove it in an close it before it could get wet. My heart takes a skip of a beat knowing this is it. This is goodbye. I press my fingers to my lips and then press them to the window. "Goodbye Austin..."

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