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"Stop whining and get in the car," Austin sneers at me.

"I'm not whining," I banter back. Okay fine, maybe I am. It's not my fault I suggested where we should go eat and he rejected it. This is why I always say "I don't know."

"You are too," he tells me. I look at him and roll my eyes, walking around to the passenger side of his Rover. He pushes past me to open the door, but I beat him to it and get in without looking back. I'm being a bitch, I know I am, but he just informed me he's leaving for a 6-month tour on top of it. Eating at my favorite restaurant would be the least he could do.

He sighs heavily as he gets in and backs out of the driveway. Now I'm not the only one in a mood. The rest of the drive is completely silent. The air is suffocating because I really don't even want to go eat. I want to sit at home in Austin's arm, crying at the fact that he's leaving me for half of a year and will begin this tour tomorrow. I need more time with him. I need all the time with him. I never want him to leave my side.

But he's a singer and that's what singers do. I signed myself up for this when I accepted the fact of being his girlfriend. We've been dating almost two years now. There's been small tours here and there, but nothing like this. This is an international, 6 months, no visiting tour because I have my own career to worry about. I finally landed my dream job and Austin would never ask me to jeopardize that to follow him. Maybe they'll send me to Japan or something for a conference while he's over there. I can only hope.

"What about there?" he asks as he points at an indie dinner in the upper class part of town. I look at him in annoyance. I wanted Mexican food. When I'm sad, I like to devour as much queso as I possibly can. There's no if, ends, or buts about that. 

"Fine, there?" he asks again pointing to a larger, more elegant place. My expression is too sour to hide.

"If you don't stop with the tude," he remarks under his breath, getting into the turn lane.

"Excuse me?" I rage.

"Yes, the tude. I'm just trying to find a nice place to eat and you can't seem to agree on anything."

I let out a huge sigh and turn into my seat to face him. "Maybe it's because my "boyfriend"," I start, using air quotations, "is leaving me for six months' tomorrow and is just now telling me. I told you where I wanted to go and you told me no. I have every right to have a fucking attitude."

The car falls back silent as the light changes and he pulls over into the alley on the side street.

"We're not going to your shitty hole in the wall place for food. I have something important to ask you and it deserves more class than that."

He throws the car into park and turns off the keys. Oh for fucks sake, I can't deal with more news.

"More?!" I query, feeling myself get heated. "What is it now? You're breaking up with me? You found someone else? Did you want to do it in a public setting for more publicity?"

I keep throwing these questions out like I had them planned. I swear I didn't but now I'm scared that my future with Austin is at stake. Everything was fine yesterday, why is it so chaotic today? 

When he stays silent, tears threaten my eyes.

"Oh my god," I shriek. "You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"

I reach for the door handle to get out. This isn't happening.

"Goddamn it, (Y/N)," Austin yells, grabbing ahold of my arm to stop me. "No, I'm not breaking up with you."

My eyes met his as something flashes across his that I haven't seen before.

"Then what is it?" I demand.

"Can't we find a place to eat first?" he asks gently.

"Tell me," I whimper.

He releases my arm and reaches up to push my stray hair out of my face. I flinch and pull back. I'm not about to be swooned over by his romantic tactics. I need to know what else he needs to say. As he stares at me in silence, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I reach for the door handle again. My feet hit the pavement and just as I slam the door, Austin's voice sends chills down my spine.

"Will you marry me?" 

Wow, what's it been? Like five years since I've update here? Is there anyone still reading? 

Much love, 


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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Imagine: Austin Mahone Edition *EDITING*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ