Burnt Broccoli

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After you finished breakfast you headed upstairs to change into some other clothes.

After you finished breakfast you headed upstairs to change into some other clothes

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(Imagine another if this isn't your fancy. But remember that you're self conscious of your scars so they're constantly covered up.)

When you finally returned back downstairs, your father was fast asleep on the couch. You planted a kiss on his head before leaving out the door with Sibyl close behind.

Your fox watched you from behind, admiring the the glowing aura that radiated from your face.

Y/N recovers quick, when given a clear path she doesn't dwell on her sorrows. Not sure if that's good or bad. He thought to himself

Sibyl shrunk himself into a puppy size, as you two boarded the bus. The fox watched as you gazed out the window rejuvenated, and bright. It reminded him of that morning when he towered over you. The way the child that was yourself, gazed at him with wonder and hope, warmed his heart. His entire being said 'Protect this child'. He wasn't human, so he couldn't fully understand your mindset, nor the complexity of your emotions. Even so, as your guide he needs to understand so he can guide you through the woods that is this world.

"You do too much."

Sibyl looked up at you. The smile you flashed towards took him off guard. You were beautiful, maybe the most beautiful human he'd ever seen. Your soft hand stroked his fur.

"Sibyl, you don't have to guide me the entire way. I'm capable of putting in my own share of effort. So don't put so much on your shoulders."

Perhaps you were right and he was putting too much pressure on himself. Sibyl felt he was too goofy. The fox was a weeb and he was always playing around and joking with you. Lilith the Boa, Zues the Tiger, and the Deer Kratos, were more serious about their roles, despite the fact that their humans were carefree. The Lion Reyna whom belonged to your brother Astor, he didn't know too well. Even so he was commonly judged by those three for not taking his role serious. They often told him he's too lenient when it came to your mental health. If he continued to joke around the way he is there could be consequences. But in the midst of his sulking he remembered the way his jokes made you smile, they drew you away from the cliff of insanity. That comedic relief kept you sane, it helped you remember that there are things in this world worth smiling for. This fact reassured your companion.

Fuck their opinions, this child needs to smile and laugh. I'm gonna make sure she does.

With this resolve the fox rolls under your touch happily. Your smile widened at the furball. Lookimg up a little girl looked at Sibyl with such wide eye. Sibyl noticed her too.

"Do you want to pet him?"

The little girl squealed silently and looked at her mother. After looking at you she nodded softly. She skipped across the bus and pet Sibyl's head with one hand and his tail with the other.

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