True Villany🌟

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You sat frozen on the floor still sat against the wall. He stood there with a weak smile. It was your father. It was really him. You recognized those eyes he gave to you, the blue locks he passed to Mai.


The man smiled at you warmly. It had been years since you've seen that smile. "Hello Y/N, its been a while."

His voice froze you in your place. Smooth and sweet like cream, that soothing voice that once sung you to sleep so long ago. He couldn't be here, how is here?

Silvestor started to walked toward you and knelt down in front. You continued to stare at him, eyes wide as globes. He reached up and put his hand on your face. His hand was soft, upon contact your eyes started to water. It's been 7 years, seven years since he's touched your face.

You started to cry. Silvestor took his other hand and held your face as you sobbed. His head fell into yours as he held you tightly.

"Daddy." You whimpered softly. "I-i"

"Shhh." He hushed you softly. "Breathe my angel, it's alright. You look good."

You didn't stop crying, reaching up you grabbed his shirt pulling him closer. He held you firmly as you cried. Suddenly you stopped crying and looked at him.

"Wait," you started shocked. "am I dead!?"

"What? No-"

"No no no, I can't die. Not now, I didn't finish with BB. Somethings gonna happen to the others. And I- and I. I never told Katsuki I loved him." You rambled starting to cry more.

"Y/N calm down." Silvestor told you. "You're not dead, you're still very much alive. Don't worry, you'll still go finish what you left undone, and confess to him later."

"O-okay." You said. "Then why are you here?"

"I needed to talk to you, it's very important." He said sternly. "I could only access you through a plane such as this since regular sleep is too fragile. But I never wanted to meet you like this, with you in this state of mind and hurt."

Your eyes widened at him before you looked off. "You saw everything?"

His hands moved to your shoulders, his grip tightened as his eyes flashed black. "Yes, I did."

Swallowing hard you avoided his gaze, as his left hand moved up to your hair. "If I could come back from the dead, I would but, my hands are tied. And I'm restricted from what I can say and am pressed for time."

"Wait why, what's wrong?" You asked as he pulled you onto your feet.

"One month." He stated. "One month from now, you will make a decision that will determine the fate of so many people you love, and that of others. Based on what I tell and show you, you will determine what decision you'll make that day."

You narrowed your eyes at him. "What kind of decision."

Silvestor tool your hand and walked you away from the walls and rubble. Further into the darkness all that was visible was your father's figure. You looked around in the darkness trying peer ahead at your possible destination.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"Y/N," he started once more. "you know very well that the hero system is flawed." Your expression hardened at his words. "Very few heroes in this world are pure heroes. Many of them do it for publicity, wealth, power. Those are easy to spot, and those who do appear pure, are something else behind doors."

Looking down, you gulped hard at his vague description of Enji. "Don't worry," he continued. "I've seen his progress, although he may not be forgiven it is admirable that he aspires to do better. I'm proud of him." Nodding softly you noticed a flight of stairs, at the top a door, started to appear in the darkness.

Starbright Dreamer ( Bakugou X Black Fem Reader fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें