Chapter 3

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I walk into Molly's and am greeted to cheers. I shake my head and yell, "Guys my first fire here is nothing special!!"

Kelly comes to me, puts his arm around my shoulder, guides me towards the bar and says, "I don't know what you've been through to make you come here, but you're with us now, so if you don't want to celebrate your first fire here, at least celebrate coming here and starting over."

I smile and say, "You're right. Now, where's the free shot and beer you promised?"

He laughs as he orders us each one. We clink our shots together and tip our heads back. When I set mine down he says, "Wait is that an engagement ring?"

"Not anymore. Used to be but can't bring myself to take it off. I'll in lighten you sometime."

He nods and says, "I understand about not wanting to move on. Totally get that."

I smile as I take a sip of beer.

Before I know it the evening is over. I'm about to head out to my car when Kelly says, "Hey, mind if I crash at your place? Casey and Dawson like to make a lot of noise when they're drunk."

I laugh and nod. We go out to my car and hop in. We soon make it to my apartment. When we arrive I see he has a shocked look on his face so I say, "What? Is something the matter with this place?"

"No, no it's just that my best friend Shay and I lived here for a few years. Memories, that's all."

"What happened to her?"

"I'll tell you after you tell me about your ex-fiancé and what made you come here."

I sigh and get out. He follows me up and takes a seat on my couch. I hang up my coat and grab another beer for us both. He smiles as I sit down beside him. I curl into a semi-ball and say, "So you want to know what made me leave Boston."

"Yeah I wouldn't mind knowing. I also wouldn't mind knowing about those burns."

"Well then, get comfy because it's going to be a long story."

He nods as I take a deep breath and say, "I was the lieutenant of the rescue squad at my hold house and my fiancé was the lieutenant of the truck there. That's how we met. By the way, his name was Peter. Anyway, he was the kind of person who would come out of the building holding five victims, just as the building collapsed. He saved as many people as he could, and if that meant sacrificing himself, that's what he did."

I take a deep breath and continue.

"He had a few close calls but always came out with his life, maybe only a few scratches or 2 degree burns. One day he barely made it out. I ran up to him and held him tight and then he took me over to the truck and grabbed something from one of the compartments. That's when he proposed. He promised he would never leave me."

By now the tears are slowly streaming out of my eyes. Kelly grabs my hand and says, "You don't have to continue if you don't want to." I shake my head and say, "No, it's about time I told someone." He nods as I continue.

"Then about 3 months after that we got called to an apartment fire. We thought it would be just one apartment but the whole building was engulfed in flames. We went in together and got 3 people. We were almost at the door when a beam came down and trapped his legs. I took the people out and went back for him. I tried so hard to get him out but the beam was too heavy for me to move. So I sat with him and held his hand and pushed with all my might. After trying for awhile he pushed me away from it and told me it was no use. I told him I wouldn't stop trying. He actually held both of my hands so I couldn't move."

I sniffle as Kelly wipes away my tears and then I say,

"The flames ate him alive. I was too stunned to move. I let them close in on me too. I just closed my eyes and curled into a ball. Then the next thing I know, I wake up 1 week later in the burn unit. When the nurse came in she told me how they pulled me out of the fire, protective gear burned so bad that my skin was exposed. She said I was fortunate to make it out alive, and that I was lucky to have woken up as soon as I did. My burns hurt so bad. I couldn't move for a month after, and even after that it was a struggle. It was hard not seeing Peter at work. I needed to leave Boston, so my chief contacted Boedan, and now, here I am."

He looks at me in dis belief and says, "Wow. Utmost respect to you for pulling through that. How big are your burns?"

"They wrap around the left side of my body half way on both sides and go from my knee all the way to my neck as you know. They only go halfway down on my arm and they thankfully didn't burn my sensitive areas."

He nods and pulls the hair away from my neck. He rubs his thumb over the burns and says, "Now I guess I owe you a story."

Thank you guys so much for 18 reads!!! Means a lot!!

Hope you like the update!!! I sure do!!

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