Chapter 11

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  I walk into the firehouse with Kelly and smile at the sight of the squeaky clean truck. I got cleared for squad duty yesterday so this will be my first shift back. I’m thrilled to finally be back at work as I’m restless without it.

We go to our lockers and quickly drop our stuff off. Then we go out to the squad table. We sit and chat with everyone for a few hours until a call comes in. Something is going on at the mall so we get there as fast as we can.

As soon as we walk in I see a teenage boy, probably 14 or 15, hanging from the railing. I turn to Kelly and say, “Let me go up.”

He nods as I throw off my jacket and helmet and hurry up the stairs. They begin inflating the landing pad as I reach the kid. I slowly walk towards him and when I’m a few feet from him he yells, “Stop! No closer or I jump!”

I stop but say, “Alright. What’s your name?”

He doesn’t answer so I say, “Well I’m Quinn. Anyway, since I don’t know your name I’ll give you one. You look like a Chase.”

“It’s Jake.”

“I knew I could get it out of you. Now Jake, how ‘bout you climb back over the railing or let me come get you?”



“I don’t want to go home. He’ll hurt me again.”

“Who’s ‘he’ Jake?”

“My step-Dad.”

“How does he hurt you?”

“Abuses me.”

I sigh and say, “What about your Mom?”

“She died when I was 10. She was sick. My actual Dad died before I was born.”

“Jake, please come here.”

“No. I want to be with my Mom again.”

“You’ll be with her again someday but today is not that someday.”

I take another small step towards him and he says, “Stop it!”

I freeze and say, “Jake, if you come with me on this side of the railing right now that you’ll never have to see your step-dad ever again. If you come with me we’ll take you to child services and they’ll find you some foster parents, ones who will love you and care for you until you move out. I also promise that the police will find your step-dad and arrest him for child abuse. Please Jake.”

He looks over at me with a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. He then nods and I quickly run forward and grab him. When he’s safely on the other side he gives me a tight hug. I smile and say, “You made the right choice. Now, let’s go downstairs and we’ll take you back to the firehouse with us.”

He nods and I help him stand up. I’m glad I could save him. He seems like too good a kid to lose.


Okay so I wanted to update again because I need some feedback from you guys. If I were to make a Chicago P.D. fanfic would you read it? I really want to but I want to make sure that some people would be interested before hand.

Please comment and let me know. Means a lot! -Becca

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