Chapter 25

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  Kelly and I have now been looking for almost an hour. The space keeps getting smaller, darker, and dustier as we go but nothing stops us. As long as we have some crawl space we keep going. After 10 more minutes I think I hear something so I say, "Kelly stop and listen."

 After a few seconds Jake's voice echoes through the tunnel saying, "Help us!!" 

We hear muffled coughing afterwards and then nothing. Kelly props himself up and yells, "Jake?!" 

"Kelly, is that you?!" 

"Yes! Just stay right where you are! Quinn and I are coming to you!" 

With that we begin crawling forward as fast as possible. We go through a small opening and see Chase lying limp under a slab of concrete while Jake crawls towards us, concern etched across his face. When he reaches us I say, "What happened to your forehead? You're so pale and you've obviously lost a lot of blood." I say while examining the large gash going across his entire forehead. 

He swats my hand away and says, "Never mind me. I'll be fine. We have bigger problems."

 He grabs my wrist and drags me towards Chase. When we're right beside him he says, "I can't get it off of him. He passed out a couple minutes ago and I don't know if he's still alive."

 I put 2 fingers to Chase's neck and say, "He's got a pulse so that means he's still alive. Go to the opening Kelly and I came in through.We need to move the concrete off of him."

 He nods and Kelly and I kneel and get our crowbars under the slab as we have just enough room to do so. I count to 3 and then we lift up with all of our might. It slams down and a few seconds later Chief's voice comes through the radio and he says, "What was that? Are you two alright?"

 Kelly grabs the radio and says, "We're fine Chief. That was us moving the concrete that was trapping Chase. Did you hear where it came from?" 

"Yes. I'm standing over top of your location right now."

 "Perfect. You'll all have to move the debris fast, have Brett and Chillie ready, and have a backboard, c-collar, and basket by your side if we want to get Chase out of here alive."

 We can hear movement above us as I start looking Chase over. After I finish I grab the radio from Kelly and say, "Chillie, can you hear me?"

 "Loud and clear. What's up?" 

"I've already assessed Chase's condition. He's unconscious and his vitals aren't stable but not a huge concern. He doesn't have any external wounds so it's safe to assume he's bleeding internally." 

"Thanks. But you're not a paramedic so I can't legally use your assessment." 

"Well Chillie,that's where you're wrong. In Canada where I did my squad training it's required that while you're in training you serve a 6 month period as a paramedic just in case you need to assess someone before the paramedics."


 With that the last piece of concrete is moved and I can clearly see what is above us. Kelly helps Chief set up the ladder and then our equipment is sent down. I collar chase and then we move him onto the backboard. Once he's secured firmly in the basket we attach the ropes and hoist him up. Then the 3 of us climb up just in time to see the ambulance speeding away. 

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