Chapter 43

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I sign in relief when the nurse tells me that I get to go home. She then exits the room. Kelly walks over to me as I practically leap out of the bed. He helps me change into sweatpants and a tank top. I slip on my flip flops and then Kelly grabs my bag. We join hands and then walk downstairs. When we exit the main doors Kelly says, "I wasn't thinking and I walked over here, forgetting that you probably wouldn't be able to walk home."

"Kelly, of course I can. Besides, I need as much fresh air as I can get."

He nods and we begin walking home. We talk about little things and then Kelly says, "Have you thought about the wedding at all?"

"Of course. I had a full two weeks in the hospital to think about it. I also have ideas from the wedding that never happened."

"What are your ideas then?"

"Well, I would really like a summer wedding, preferably outside somewhere. I figured that you and all of your groomsmen would wear your dress blues since they'll probably all be friends from work. Based off of that, I think that the theme color for the wedding should be navy or red."

He nods and says, "The wedding should definitely be outdoors. I think that we should have it at the firehouse since we met there. The blues are a great idea because then we can save some money. Lastly, I think that red should be the theme."

I nod and then we arrive home. When we walk in the door I see Jake sitting on the couch with a girl. When he sees us he says, "Guys, this is Kylie. Kylie, these are my adopted parents Kelly and Quinn."

She smiles at us and then Kelly and I go upstairs.


Hey guys! Thank you all for 35 100 reads!

This will be my last update until my finals are over. I hope to update again the afternoon of June 23rd so stay tuned for that!

I hope that you all have a great Sunday! -Becca

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