Chapter 24

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  When we arrive on scene I shut off the truck and hop out. Kelly and I rush over to the group of teachers and students. When we arrive the principal steps forward and says, "A suicide bomber caused all of this. Everyone is out except for 2 Grade 9 students." 

Kelly grabs my hand and says, "Names?"

 "Chase Peterson and Jake Summerfield.Their teacher said that they were headed to the library when the bomb went off so they could be anywhere."

 I take a deep breath to tame the emotions that come flooding forward when I hear that Jake is missing. After a few deep breaths I say, "Do Chase's parents know?"

 The principal nods and points to a couple standing away from the group, crying into each other's shoulders. Kelly and I walk over to them and I say, "Are you two Chase's parents?" 

The man nods and I say, "I know that it's going to be hard to stay positive with Chase missing but our son Jake is with him. We'll find them both, I promise."

 They nod and then Kelly and I go tell Chief everything we know. When we finish he says, "I'm sending you two in to look for the boys while we clear what we can up here. Be careful and keep us updated." 

We nod and run over to the truck. We take off our jackets and helmets and grab a crowbar and flashlight each. Kelly grabs his radio and straps it on and then we go to the nearest opening. We enter carefully and then begin our search.      


Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I feel really bad about it so I'm giving you guys 2 chapters today. Thanks for 8.9K reads! Let's get it to 9K! -Becca

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