Chapter 4

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When Kelly finishes I can tell he's trying not to cry for my sake, but I let him know it's ok. With that he lets them silently flow down his cheeks. I give him a hug and say, "Thanks for telling me. I wish I knew Shay."

"I wish you did too. She would've loved you."

"Well, we should probably go to bed. I don't have a spare bed in the guest bedroom yet, so I'll sleep on the couch and you can take my bed."

"No, I'll take the couch."

"Why don't we just both sleep in my bed then?"

He nods as we go upstairs. I go to the bathroom to get ready as he gets ready in the room. When I come out he says, "Don't girls sleep in tank tops and underwear?"

I laugh and reply, "I usually wear tank tops and booty shorts to bed but you're here so I'm wearing a long sleeve and sweats."

"Why? I'm just in my underwear. You'll be fine."

"It's my burns Kelly. They make me uncomfortable when I'm around new people."

"I won't judge. It's part of the job."

I nod as I go change into my usual sleepwear. When I come out he says, "That's better, isn't it?"

I nod as I crawl under the covers. He climbs in too, so I shut off the light. He moves so he's close to me, then whispers, "I think your burns are beautiful. Don't try to hide them."

I shake my head as I slowly drift off.

I wake when I feel someone's arm rest on my body. I flip over and Kelly says, "Did I wake you?"

"Yes, but it's fine. Let's get breakfast, and then we need to go to work."

He nods as I go downstairs. I grab some toast and fruit, while Kelly grabs the same thing. We're sitting on the stools, eating in silence when he rubs his thumb over the burns on my arm. I jump at his touch and he says, "Sorry. I just wanted you to know that they feel like."

I smile and continue eating. When I finish I go and change into jeans and a t-shirt, then throw an extra change of clothes in my bag. Then we head to the house. When we get there we go to our lockers and change into our work clothes. Then we begin our workday.
Guys almost 100 reads and it's been a week. Is this even real life??? Thank you so much!!!

So I'll add the dedication later. First vote and comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them. (So you must vote AND comment first.) thanks! -Becca

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