Chapter 8

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I look up when I hear a knock on the door. Everyone from 51 is there. I tell them to come in since motioning for them to come in hurts more.

Kelly, Boedan, Dawson, and Brett take a seat while everyone else stands. Otis places a gift basket on the window sill and says, "That's from all of us. We miss you already."

I smile as Kelly grabs my hand. I give him the look but then he says, "Its fine. I already told Chief, and he was totally fine with it."

We all chat for a bit, me staying silent most of the time because it truthfully does hurt a lot. They all leave periodically until Kelly and I are the only ones left. He grabs the gift basket and places it on my bed. He opens it up and helps me look through it.

Everyone's gifts and cards are really nice. But then we get to Capp's. In the card it's all normal until I get to the bottom. It says, "P.S. Heard you and Severide are a thing now. He'll have lots of fun with your gift!"

I show Kelly and he goes red. I open the envelope which contains Capp's gift and immediately close it. Kelly picks it up and dumps the contents on my bed.

Real classy Capp.

Kelly picks up the black lace lingerie and laughs. Then he picks up the envelope and laughs even harder. I give him a puzzled look and he says, "A few years ago our old secretary put her lingerie in an envelope for me."

I begin to laugh, but then it really starts to hurt. I grab my chest and Kelly immediately stops laughing. His eyes connect with mine and he says, "Are you alright?"

"No... can you...get a...nurse?" I stutter, trying to catch my breath.

He immediately flags one down. She comes in and puts me on oxygen which immediately starts helping. She also gives me some pain medication.

Then she says, "The pain will go away in a bit. When you laughed you expanded your lungs bigger than they've been in a few days. Your lungs we're only at half capacity but I estimate you expanded them to about 75% capacity when you laughed. But all of this is actually going to help them get back to their full size faster. If you stay on the oxygen they'll expand even quicker. Would you like to do that?"

I nod as she marks something down on her sheet and leaves. Kelly then gives me a kiss on the forehead as I begin to drift off.


Alright, you guys are insane. Last time I had 474 reads and now I have 713! You guys are the best! If I had known my book would've been this well recieved I would've started it months ago! Again, you guys are the best! -Becca

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