Chapter 14

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 "CASEY! REPORT!" Chief barks into his radio. 

A few seconds later Casey says, "A guy just set off a grenade. Said that he was worse than Ebola so we're probably all infected. Don't let anyone leave the premises! Send them back in when you have them all!" 

With that about 2 dozen people come flooding through the doors.  We spread out and very soon have them all back in a group. One guy bickers with Chief but then a doctor of some sort buts in and they all reluctantly go back inside. Chief then picks up his radio and says, "They're coming back in. Are you all okay?"

"Everyone except Kelly. He took the bomber down and went unconscious. They just started his surgery now but the doctor did want to black tag him. Mills and Brett wouldn't allow that though." 

When I hear this my knees buckle and I fall to the pavement. A few tears stream out of my eyes as I run my hands through my hair. Rice then comes over, puts a hand on my shoulder, and says, "Quinn, have faith. He 's a fighter."

I nod and go sit over by the truck. After sitting there for an hour just hoping and praying that Kelly makes it, my phone rings. It's Jake. I hit answer and he immediately says, "Quinn are you and Kelly alright? The explosion at Chicago Med is all over the news and they're saying that you guys are on scene."

"I'm okay but Kelly wanted to save the day so he took down the bomber so now he's unconscious and in surgery."

"I'm coming to comfort you." 

"Jake they're not going to let you in. This guy that set off the grenade had a disease and so the area is on lockdown."

"Oh. Do you want to keep talking then?"

"I can't. I'm technically still working."

With that we say our goodbyes. Now all I can do is sit and what for any kind of news on Kelly.


Thank you guys so much for 2.2K reads! I honestly can't believe it!

Anyway, this is the last time I'm updating before my trip, so you guys will have to wait awhile! Sorry about that! -Becca

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