Chapter 38

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---Kelly's POV---

My phone starts ringing so I gently place Quinn's limp hand on the bed beside her and then press the answer button, put it up to my ear, and say, "Hello?"

"Severide, this is Boden."

"What's up Chief?"

"We got a call of a fire and injured person at a school. We're controlling the fire right now but the injured person was Jake. He looks really banged up but he'll be just fine. Chillie and Brett are loading him into the ambulance right now. They'll be at Chicago Med in about two minutes."

"Thanks for the heads up Chief. I'll meet them at the doors."

"I'll let them know."

We then hang up and I go downstairs. By the time I make it down the ambo is just pulling up. Brett goes around and smiles at me. She then opens the back doors and she and Chillie unload the stretcher. Jake is sitting up on it with several cuts on his arms, neck, and forehead. He has some steri-strips holding some of the cuts closed. He's also wearing an oxygen mask.

I give him a puzzled look but he just shrugs and smirks. I shake my head as they take him inside and switch him to a hospital bed. The nurses quickly determine that his oxygen levels are good so they take him off of it. They clean out every last one of his cuts and determine that none of them need stitches. They give him a couple of steri-strips just in case and then we exit the ER and make our way to the vending machines.

We then go up to Quinn's room. When we get there we eat our food and then I say, "So what exactly happened?"

He explains everything and then after it all sinks in I say, "That doesn't sound like some freak accident. First you can't open the door, then you're about to use the phone when it rings and it's a creepy phone call. After you drop the phone a fire starts and nothing will put it out. Then the window won't break until you throw yourself into it. That sounds a lot like arson to me."

"I agree. That's what Chillie and Brett were saying too. They said the fire where Quinn got trapped seemed like arson too."

I think he might be on to something there. Quinn was the only one small enough to go through the window and the only piece of furniture to stand on was that desk which didn't look particularly safe or stable.

I look at Jake and say, "I'll go down to headquarters later."

He nods and then we continue chatting.


Thank you all for 26.3 K reads! I hope you all have a good weekend! -Becca

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