Chapter 35

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---Jake's POV---

I walk into Kelly and Quinn's bedroom and see Kelly staring at the picture of the two of them on the wall while sitting on the edge of the bed. I knock lightly on the door and his head quickly snaps to look at my direction. I give him a small smile and say, "Are we going to visit Quinn?"

"I'm not. I have to call her family and tell them the news but you can walk over to the hospital if you'd like. I'll be there in about an hour."

I nod and go downstairs. I throw on my coat and shoes and then step out of the apartment. Once I make it down to ground level I turn right and start walking to Chicago Med. It's only 15 minutes from the apartment which is nice for if I ever want to visit Quinn.

I walk with my hands shoved deep inside my pockets and soon make it to the hospital. I go up to the burn unit and quickly find Quinn's room. When I walk in a nurse is checking all of the monitors she's hooked up to. When the nurse finishes she turns to me and says, "How do you know Quinten?"

"She's my adopted Mom."

The nurse smiles warmly at me and says, "Well then, I'm sure that you'll be happy to hear that overnight her condition improved. Her burns are healing up quite nicely and her body is responding well to the treatment we're giving her so she now has a five percent chance to live. It's still not great but its better, right?"

I nod so the nurse leaves so I can have my time alone with Quinn. I look at her and say, "I'm glad you're doing better. Now, I have something really important to tell you."

I smile slightly and take a seat beside her bed. I then grab Quinn's hand and say, "Yesterday I went up on the roof of the school because I find it relaxing, you know? Anyway, I got there and there was a girl up there too. I had seen her in my chemistry class before but then I realized that she was standing right on the edge of the roof. I quickly ran, grabbed her, and pulled her to the middle of the roof. She tried to fight me but I held her back."

I take a pause and think back to both times Quinn had done exactly that for me. I smile at the fact that she was there for me when no one else was and then say, "When she finally calmed down I asked her what her name was. She told me it was Kylie and then I asked why she was there. She told me she had screwed up and lost all of her friends in a single night because of a poor choice she made. She said she couldn't handle being all alone so she decided to kill herself. I told her all about me and what I had been through and told her that I'd be her friend. She agreed so I took her down off the roof with me."

My thoughts are carried away to Kylie and how sweet she is. She's so easy going and down to earth and I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to be her friend. I let Quinn's hand go and then say, "We haven't stopped talking or texting since."

I then get up at look out the window at the lovely Chicago skyline. I then say, "I'm going to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend when you wake up Quinn. I know you'll wake up and until then I can work up my courage."

I give Quinn a small hug and then talk to her about other things until Kelly arrives.


Hey guys! Thanks for 23.1 K reads! If you're intrested, I have a 30-day challenge for the Chicago Trilogy if you'd like to read those!

So lately I've been toying with the idea of putting my work on another website as well as this one. Let me know if you have an opinion on the matter as I don't at this point in time! -Becca

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