Chapter 44

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We pull up to the firehouse and Jake and I hop out of my car. When we walk inside Hermann says, "Well look at who decided to show up! How're you feeling kid?"

Hermann pats me on the back as I say, "Good. I wish I could be back at work but I have to wait another week."

He nods and then Kelly walks up to me and gives me a kiss. He holds onto my waist as everyone walks out to the apparatus floor to greet me. I smile at everyone and say, "I'm just here to pick up my equipment so that I can take it to the job fair at Jake's school."

Everyone nods and Chief says, "Let us know what you need and we'll load it up. I need to speak with you and Kelly briefly."

I nod and quickly fire off a list of the items I need. I give Jake the car keys so that they can load it all up and then Kelly and I follow Chief to his office. Once we arrive and take a seat he says, "You both know that married couples aren't permitted to work on the same squad or truck, but headquarters has agreed to allow it for you two based on your work ethics, if that's what the two of you would like."

Kelly and I share a quick glance and then I say, "If headquarters is going to allow it, then we'd both love to remain on Squad 3."

Chief nods and says, "I'll let them know. You will both have to sign some papers but that's all. I'll have someone stop by with them sometime next week."

We nod and go back out to the main area where everything is all ready to go. Jake and I say goodbye to everyone and Kelly and I share a quick kiss. Jake and I then go out to the car and drive to his school. When we arrive he helps me set my little booth up and then the job fair begins.


Hey guys! Thank you for being patient for an update and for 37 200 reads! I hope that you all have a great week! -Becca

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