Chapter 30

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   I hand the cabbie a $20 bill and exit. I then enter Molly's. I set my things down on a bar stool and plop down on the one beside it. I order a shot and a beer and receive them right away. Once I down the shot Hermann says, "I thought you and Severide had plans for tonight."

 "We did."

 I tell Hermann what happened and he just nods and listens. When I finish he says, "I'll let you be so you can figure this out."

 I nod and turn my attention to whatever is on the TV. By the time the bar closes I've lost track of how many beers I've had but judging by the fact that I can't remember why I'm here in such a nice outfit, I've probably had way too many. I'm about to ask Hermann to call me a cab when he says, "You're coming home with me tonight."

 I nod and stand. Since I'm so full of alcohol I stumble around for a couple of seconds before I collapse and hit the floor hard.

---In the Morning---

I wake up with my head already pounding. I open my eyes and see two Advil's and some water on the coffee table across from me. I quickly take them and fully open my eyes. I remember that Hermann said that he was taking me home and that I passed out at some point after that. 

After lying on the couch for half an hour I finally muster the energy to get up. I straighten out my dress and fold all of my blankets back up. I eat a quick breakfast with the Hermann's and then Hermann decides to drive me home. When I walk through the door Kelly rushes over to me and embraces me in a huge hug. Then he says, "I was worried about you! I'm sorry for what I said last night." 

"It's fine Kelly. After thinking it over for a bit I've decided to withdraw my application anyway. 51 is my home and nothing could make me want to leave." 

He smiles widely as I head upstairs to change.


Hey guys! Thanks so much for 15.9 K reads!

So my concussion is doing much better and I got my own laptop for my birthday so I decided to update! Hope you enjoy! -Becca

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