Chapter 20

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   Kelly, Jake, and I walk out of the firehouse and hop in the car. He stayed with us at the firehouse last night just in case Jenny and Mark came looking for him. Instead of going home first we decide to go the child services. The sooner we can get the James' under investigation and the sooner we can officially adopt Jake, the better. When we arrive we immediately get seated in Julie's office. When she walks in and sees the 3 of us she stops dead in her tracks. After she recovers she takes a seat and between the 3 of us, we explain everything to her. While she contacts Jenny and Mark we fill out all of the required paperwork. She signs off on it all and we then exit the building. When we get outside Jake envelopes Kelly and I in a huge hug. When we pull apart he looks at us and says, "Thank you for everything. I won't let you down, I promise."

 Kelly ruffles his hair and says, "You're welcome kiddo. Thanks for trusting us again because we should have done this the first time. Oh, and don't worry about letting us down. Like my Dad once said, 'Disappoint anyone, hell disappoint everyone, but don't ever disappoint yourself.' You remember that Jake. It's helped me get through a lot too." 

I nod and then we hop in the car and drive to the James'. When they answer the door they're about to hug Jake when Kelly steps in front of him and hands them the note from Julie. Once they've both read it Mark says, "This is preposterous! We'd never do such a thing!"

 I step forward then and say, "Then why did Jake attempt suicide for a second time? Why does he have scrapes and bruises covering his entire body?"

 Jenny then pipes up and says, "He got into a fight at school. He got beat up pretty bad so he probably felt like his only escape from the pain was suicide. I can't believe that just because you found our son on a bridge you're turning it on us and saying that it's our fault!" 

Jake then balls his hands into fists and says, "We're pinning this on you because it is your fault I was on the bridge!! You starved me and then beat me when I asked for food because apparently wanting to survive and be healthy is needy! You didn't give a damn about me but then acted like the perfect parents when there were other people around! Kelly and Quinn actually care! So get out of our way and let me get my stuff so I can actually be happy for once in my life! And if you try to resist one more time, I can guarantee that two firefighters can get a baker and a counsellor out of their way in less than 2 seconds!! So just let it go already! And let me go! I'm not your son anymore and I never was since you treated me that way!"

 Sensing Jake's vibe Kelly and I crack our knuckles for extra emphasis. Jenny and Mark back away from the door with their hands up so we quickly go up to Jake's room. Once we have all of his stuff packed up we head back to our apartment.


Thank you guys so so much for 5.2 K reads! Like honestly, last chapter I was celebrating 4 K! You guys are the best!

So I'm going on a trip for the next 2-3 weeks and won't be able to update :(

In the meantime though I'd love it if you guys could go check out my other fanfics and my 30 day challenges!! I have an NHL challenge and a writing challenge and I'm enjoying them a lot and hope you guys will too! -Becca

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