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I got home after Adam had left for work, giving me more time to clean myself up and get ready for work and to tell him why I had a gash above my eyebrow.

I had on a neutral color bandage, but it was still too large to overlook.

"Hey, how was last night with your brother?" Adam asked when I walked into the office.

He was counting the drawers, like he always was, so he merely glanced at me so he wouldn't lose count.

"It was fun," I said, my voice shaking slightly.

He furrowed his brows together and then finished counting a stack of twenties before looking at me fully.

His expression changed suddenly and he stood up and walked over to me, grabbing my chin gently to turn my face.

"What happened?" He asked with concern laced in his voice as he saw the bandage above my brow.

"We were drinking and I had too much and fell," I told him.

He didn't let go of my face so I pushed him off me gently and added, "I'm fine. It looks worse than it actually is."

"What am I going to do with you?" Adam questioned aloud and sighed, taking my face in his hands. "You know I don't like you drinking too much," he added, almost quietly scolding me like a child.

"I don't drink that much," I defended. "Just trying to have a good time with my family before they leave," I backed up so Adam had to drop his hands from my face.

He sighed and sat back down.

"Just please be more careful," he stated before starting to count a stack of tens. "I need the keys back, I'm closing tonight," he said suddenly.

"I thought Tina closed on Thursdays," I pronounced.

"I have to take inventory tonight so I told Tina she could go home early," he muttered, trying to stay focused on the money.

When the stack was counted, he turned back to look at me.

"I'll be out tonight with a few friends so you don't have to wait up for me," Adam conveyed with a stern voice.

"Are you upset?" I asked him suddenly.

"Nope," he replied, popping with p before going back to counting.

I scoffed and clocked in, already ready for the night to be over.

It was incredibly slow this evening to my disappointment.

There was an event down the beach that took a lot of business away from us today, so my thoughts were able to run amuck for the span of my entire shift.

"Rebecca?" Adam questioned.

I turned to face him and he had a confused look on his face.

"What?" I asked and then continued to wipe the bar down.

"I said, you can go home if you want. It's clearly dead here," Adam retorted, annoyance laced in his voice.

I dropped the rag I held and pushed past him.

"Hey," he called and grabbed my arm. "Get some rest tonight, you seemed a little distracted today," he announced, his patience growing smaller with me today.

"Okay, will you let my arm go so I can go home," I spat as he dropped his hand, letting me go.

"Get home safe," he mumbled as I nodded, not bothering to look at him.

"Bye," I called before quickly clocking out and walking to my car.

I quickly got in and locked the doors before leaning back in my seat, shutting my eyes and breathing out deeply.

Why does everything have to be so complicated?

I hate that I have to lie to Adam, but I've been doing that since the day I met him.

He knows nothing true about my life and I can't let him find out the truth. He's a good guy. He deserves a normal life, not the life I've tried to leave.

I turned on the ignition and started driving.

Hopefully tomorrow the party will help me relax. I want to have a good time with my family and I hope Adam comes and has a good time as well.

I just want things to get back to how they were. When everything was easy, simple and consistent.

Nothing in my life is truly that way though. Just have to hope it can be that way for a while without anything bad happening.

And with that thought, I reached my home and parked the car.

Adam was out late, but not as late as I thought. I was in bed when he came home and he crawled in beside me, pulling me close to him.

"I'm sorry for today," he spoke softly. "You know I just worry when you drink and bad things happen if you're not careful," he added, clearly implying the cut above my brow.

"Did you have somewhere to go tonight?" I asked suddenly.

Adam sighed.

"No. I just wanted to make you upset," he revealed and I turned over to face him.

The dark room shaded his features from my eyes and when I finally adjusted to the darkness, I zoned in on his tired expression.

"I took my time on the close tonight and I didn't drive fast home," he continued.

"Don't lie to me again," I told him as he nodded.

I turned over and realized the hypocrisy of my statement.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked as he left a trail of kisses on my shoulder.

"As long as you come to the party tomorrow," I reminded him as he groaned.

"Do I have to go?" He asked flatly.


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