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After Ruslan's decision, we packed our bags in silence.

I said my goodbyes to Anna and Galina and waited outside for Killian.

He had some last minute business to take care of with Ruslan before leaving.

"Ready Princess?" Killian asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently.

"Yes," I responded dryly and quietly.

He nodded and pulled out an umbrella to shield us from the rain.

A vehicle pulled up just then and a man quickly ran out and put our bags in the trunk.

Killian took my hand and opened the door for me. I slid to the other side and Killian closed his umbrella before sliding into the seat next to me.

The driver then buckled up and put the vehicle in drive.

I looked out the window and saw Reese, Morgan and Damian loading their luggage into another vehicle behind us.

No one could believe what just happened.

Or maybe we all knew that it was going to happen with the events from the last few days, but we didn't want to believe it.

I stared out the window and listened to the rain hit the vehicle.

"We're here," the man that was driving said as he put the vehicle in park.

"Thank you Vodak," Killian spoke softly before they both exited the vehicle and grabbed the bags.

They loaded the bags onto the plane and then Vodak helped me out and onto the plane.

Killian, Damian, and I took out seats in the back of the cabin while Reese and Morgan stayed in the front of the cabin.

No one said much. Mostly everyone slept for the plane ride.

I kept fiddling with the ring on my figure. It felt like a foreign object.

I didn't like it; it felt wrong.

"Let me see," Damian softly spoke as he sat next to me.

I placed my hand in his and he smiled when he saw the ring.

"This was my mother's ring," his smile widened. "She intended this one to be given to Killian to propose with and when the time comes for me, Galina wants to give hers to me so I can propose with it," he explained as I sighed.

"But this wasn't even real," I whispered as I looked at Killian laying in his chair asleep. "This whole facade we created to ward off The Lions was just that; a facade."

"Galina's right, you know. Just because Killian is afraid to admit his feelings doesn't mean he doesn't have them," he comforted as we began our descent into New York. "I think you're afraid to admit your feelings too," he added softly with a smile.

Killian's phone went off then and he woke up groggily and answered it.

"Hello?" He groaned.

As soon as he heard the voice on the other side, he sat up straight and wide awake.

"What? Why would I—" he paused for a long while and then hung up.

"What is it Killian?" Damian asked as Killian sighed and moved closer to us.

"What? Oh yeah uh—no everything's fine. It's just my hotels. Since Ruslan's shutting our operations down, my hotels are being shut down too," he shakily explained.

"You sure? You sound—well you sound unsure," Damian pressed as Killian nodded his head.

"I'm as sure as I'm going to get when all my hotels are being shut down," he grunts as the plane hits the ground.

"You guys ready?" Reese asks as he and Morgan come into the cabin.

"I guess so," I mumble and stand.

We all walk off the plane and grab our luggage to move to a limo that Tyson is driving.

None of us say anything to him, we all just climb in and Tyson drives.

When Tyson stops the limo, we all get out and are greeted with an army of gangsters lined up around the house, and my father in the center of it all.

I start to walk over to him, but Killian catches me and whispers, "not tonight. We'll deal with Dante tomorrow, okay?" He pleads as I nod my head.

He laces his figures with mine and leads me inside; Morgan, Reese, and Damian following us.

Reese shows Damian into a guest bedroom before he and Morgan go to their own rooms.

"You go on to bed, I'll be back in a few, okay?" He said as I nodded and walked into my bedroom.

I was too tired to argue otherwise.

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