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I follow Reese to the doorframe and catch a glimpse of Xander with a full backpack swung over his shoulder and another in his hand, carrying it down by his side.

His green eyes were red rimmed, and they were dark underneath. His hair was a fluffy mess, and his facial features were sunken in.

He was much different from when I saw him at the bottom of the stairs not too long ago.

His once good vibe was now full of rage and anger.

Reese steps out of his room and puts one hand on Xander's chest to stop him, "woah, what is going on with you Xander?"

"Ask the bastard," Xander snorts as he maneuvers away from Reese and trails to the stairs. "Careful, he might lie and give you some bullshit story," he finished before he trumped down the stairs in a rush.

"Xander, where are you going?" My father shouts, finally coming out of his office, with my mother waddling not too far behind.

They look almost as bad as Xander does.

"I am not staying here another fucking minute," he shouts as he puts on his shoes.

"You're not in the right headspace son, just come back upstairs to cool off and—" My father pleads.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Xander shouts as he finishes tying his shoes. "I'm sick of all the lies and games!" He shouts once more as he runs a hand through his hair and over his eyes.

My dad opens his mouth to say something, but Xander beats him to it.

"If you tell me to cool down and come back upstairs again, I will literally lose my fucking shit," Xander threatens as my dad closes his mouth.

Xander grabs his keys and shoves them in his pocket.

"Don't try to stop me and don't even think about sending anyone after me," Xander warned as he pointed up the stairs at Dad.

He grabbed the handle to the front door and opened it slightly.

"Please don't leave honey," my mother pleads from the top of the stairs, causing Xander to stop and turn around.

He just looks at all of us, shakes his head and opens the door wider and walks out.

I look at Reese in shock and then barrel my way down the stairs after him. I run out the door and find him putting his bags in his white Ferrari.

"Xander!" I called after him as he turned to see me.

"Bex, please don't try and stop me," he sighs and runs his hands over his face.

"We don't know what just went down in that office," Reese starts as he stands next to me. "But do what you need to do and be careful," Reese offers as Xander half smiles.

Xander extends his hand and Reese takes it with a loud clap sound before they half hug each other.

"Thank you brother," Xander breathed out as they leaned away from each other.

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