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As I watched Rebecca walk inside, her clothes dripping wet, the memories from just a few minutes ago replayed in my mind.

I barely got a chance to regain my thoughts before my shirt was grabbed and then a fist collided with my cheek a few times.

My vision was slightly blurred but then my neck was grabbed and I was slammed against something hard and cold. The hands squeezed slightly around my neck but I could still breathe.

My eyes finally met Dante's angry ones and I placed my hands on his wrists to try to get him off me.

"I'm warning you Killian. You ever touch my daughter again I'll kill you," he threatened softly, knowing that his wife and kids were in the house.

"What am I supposed to do? Not kiss her when she wants to?" I gasped for air as his eyes grew angrier and his hold became tighter.

He suddenly let go and I fell to my knees, gasping softly for air.

He didn't answer my question though. He just stood over me while I was on the ground gasping for air.

Twenty minutes ago I was in the same position with him but in his office. Again, over the same situation.

Me kissing his daughter.

"I want you to make her hate you," I heard his deep voice command.

I turned to see Dante standing a few feet away from me with a perplexed expression on his face.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I questioned as I stood closer to him. "What the fuck am I supposed to do? You and Dimitri have this shitty cooked up marriage plan but you don't want your daughter to know about it and kick my ass every damn time she and I are together," I spat out as Dante's jaw tightened.

"You think I like this? Lying to my daughter and seeing her fall for a false version of you?" He spat, his tone growing more callous by the second. "I hate this more than anyone Killian. Just fucking do something besides let her believe you care for her," he ordered as I scrunched my nose.

"Is that what this is now? You see that your daughter might be falling for me so you want me to crush her spirits?" I drunkenly spilled as he said nothing.

I scoffed at his silence.

"You had the leader of The Lions in your hands once. If you had just killed the bastard you would have saved us all from torture," I snobbishly remarked as Dante grabbed my shirt collar.

"My reasons are mine and only mine. Do not question them or my authority Killian. I have the power, not you," he fumed before he pushed me away slightly. "Go upstairs, take a cold shower and sober up. You stink," he groaned before he turned on his heels and walked back inside the mansion.

Well, at least he didn't hit me this time.

I must be growing on him.

"Oh Killian," he called as he walked back towards me. "I almost forgot," he chuckled before his fist collided with my jaw.

"Fuck," I groaned as I grabbed my jaw.

"Stop kissing my daughter," he said before he straightened his jacket and walked back inside.

Maybe I'm not growing on him after all.

I groaned and walked inside, doing exactly what Dante instructed.

I wobbled up the stairs and into the guest room, turning on the cold water to the shower.

My clothes were stuck to my body and I was colder than I would like to admit so I turned the water a little hotter before I jumped in.

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