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I was drunk off my ass for the next week. I just needed to disappear and lose my sense of time and awareness.

I felt that I was finally ready to go back to Ruslan's house, but then I heard a knock at my hotel room door.

"It's open," I called as Dimitri walked in. "What do you want?" I scoffed as I buttoned my shirt.

"You missed the meeting this morning, I stopped by Ruslan's to see what happened when he directed me here," he explained as he picked up an empty bottle of alcohol from the floor.

One of at least ten empty bottles on the floor or scattered around the room.

"Judging by the disastrous state of your room, I can already see why you didn't show," he concluded and he threw the bottle in the trash. "You could use this, you know. The trash can is there for a reason," he scoffed.

"Hm," I grunted. "So what did I miss at the stupid meeting?" I asked annoyed as I poured myself a drink.

I hated Dimitri. Why the hell does he have to always fucking find me?

"Killian, did you hear me?" He asked.

"No, what did you say?"

"I said, the meeting was about Rebecca. Specifically you and Rebecca. The agreement," he revealed as I downed my drink.

"Well...don't beat around the bush. Tell me what you talked about," I pushed.

"How did you think it was okay to go behind Dante and I and spread word of a possible engagement?" He asked incredulously.

"Pretty sure the agreement states we get married. Word got out about it, so what?" I uttered and shook my head.

"Everyone knows that you went to Manhattan to get a ring and The Lions found out as well. They are not taking too kindly to us about this," he revealed.

"So how is this my problem? This entire agreement is just a sham and we both know you have ulterior motives behind it. Anyways, The Lions needed to get a response and clearly it was received," I groaned.

"Why don't you just propose right now then," Dimitri suggested as I growled. "Since you want to take everything into your own hands, just propose now so we can just skip to the end and you can find out my ulterior motives."

"You sound crazy," I started but he cut me off.

"You are the crazy one Killian. You've known the girl for four months, if that. If it happens now, it'll look planned," he tried to reason as I ran my hand through my hair. "Despite the fact that she's been all over you since day one, now is not the right time."

"When is the right time huh?" I loudly professed. "Or are you just upset because the rumor of the engagement got out before you wanted it to?" I continued.

"Killian you don't understand! The Lions are—" he started.

"So what about The Lions! Sooner or later she and I will have to be engaged or else the entire agreement will go to shit," I spat as I picked up my jacket and put it on.

"Don't walk away from me Killian," Dimitri grunted as he grabbed my arm.

"Unhand me right now," I growled and furrowed my brows as he let go.

I started toward the door and opened it as he said, "wonderful, run away from your problems like you always do."

"That's where you're wrong. I'm walking away from this shitty plan. Should have just let Dante get The Lions on his own so neither I or Rebecca would have gotten this much involved in his drama with them," I spat before I left the room.

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