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I watched as Rebecca left the room, leaving me with an angry looking Dante.

He strode up to me and grabbed my collar before slamming my back against the closest wall.

"Do you have any idea what you're getting into, kid?" He shouted. "This is bigger than you realize," he added as I pushed him off of me.

"I have a funny feeling you caused all of this shit and you're using us to fix your goddamn mess," I grunted as Dante threw a punch at my eye.

I jolted down from the hard hit, sending heat and a prominent stinging sensation to where his fist collided with my skin.

"Why else would your own son leave if he wasn't fed up with your bullshit," I snickered just as Dante threw another blow to my lip this time, his rings cutting my lip slightly and blood pouring down my chin.

"Gentlemen," Dimitri's shrewd voice announces from the foyer.

I look up and see him in a suit with a neutral look on his face, clearly unbothered to the fact that Dante was breaking part of the agreement.

"You wished to have a word with me Dante?" He continued as Dante fixed his jacket and brushed himself off.

"Yes, let's go up to my office. We have much to discuss," Dante spat before he and Dimitri walked upstairs.

"You just seem to have a habit of making Dante angrier than need be," Vincent mocks as he leans against the doorframe.

"Guess it's in my nature to piss people off," I grunted as I sat back down on the couch.

"I won't argue with that," he casually agrees as he walks away, only to return with a wet washcloth.

"Thanks," I say as I take it and press it against my throbbing lip.

"Something you said back there, about Xander and Dante," he started as he sat on the couch across from me. "It didn't sit with me right," he finishes as I roll my eyes.

"You're Dante's right hand, of course me offending him would piss you off," I uttered as I breathed heavily.

"Actually, what didn't sit right with me was the fact that you could be right," he started as my eyes went wide.

"Come again?" I said shockingly.

"I'm skeptical of Dante too, but only slightly. I've worked for the man for fifteen years, I trust him with my life, but the situation isn't as logical as it should be," he explains. "I'm just as curious to why we need this damn agreement and Black Dragon help as you are Killian," he revealed as my eyes stayed wide.

"So you have no idea what's going on?" I asked curiously.

"I only know what Dante tells me. And so far, I know just as much as you, which seems like practically nothing," he snorts just as Dimitri enters the room.

His face was flushed, shocked even. His forehead was sweaty and he had loosened his tie greatly.

"We're leaving Killian," Dimitri ordered as I stood up, Vincent as well.

"Good luck Killian," Vincent whispered as I nodded.

I walked out of the living room and passed Dimitri without saying a word.

I hopped into the vehicle in the driveway and Dimitri followed behind me, quickly shutting the door.

"Do you have any idea what you did?" Dimitri asked immediately before signaling for the driver to get us out of here.

"Am I a bachelor again?" I sarcastically answered.

"Thankfully, because I can be so persuasive, the marriage pact is staying, but because of what you did, Dante is allowed to engage in war with us if so need be, and he is taking thirty percent of our business revenue until this agreement is over," Dimitri scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

"So nothing's changed," I summarized in an annoyed tone.

"You fucked up my plans Killian," he snorted as he shook his head. "I have already been extremely particular with my plans and now you've cut off part of them," he criticized.

"What are you planning eh?" I asked as he scrunched his nose.

"Nothing that concerns you," he spoke through tight lips. "Dante wants you away from Rebecca for a week or two, but then he and I will arrange a few outings for you both," he started as I rolled my eyes.

"Great," I stated flatly.

The driver dropped me off at my place and I took the elevator up to my floor.

I unlocked the door and opened it to see Sam and Damian playing cup pong with a volleyball and giant red solo cup in the living room. My couches and glass table were shoved to the ends of the room but I couldn't be bothered to care about that right now.

"You look rough," Damian commented as he threw the ball in a cup. "Yes! Drink up loser!" He celebrated.

"I hate this game," Sam breathed in annoyance before taking a shot of vodka. "Woo! That shit hits so differently when you're four shots in," he grunted before he chased it with a swig of sprite.

"That's great guys," I snorted before grabbing a vodka bottle and sitting on the kitchen counter.

"What's got you in such a bad mood?" Damian asked as I took a swig of the vodka. "Is it Rebecca?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Not just her. It's everyone in that damn family and Dimitri too. I just can't wrap my head around what's going on," I breathed out in frustration and Damian leaned against the couch. "And every time I think I'm getting closer or playing along with the agreement, I get bodied by Dante."

"This is why I refuse to do any gang shit. I'm doing just fine taking hits as they come," he shrugged his shoulders.

"That's because you don't have to take over the gang. I have to, it's my birthright," I snorted and took another swig of the alcohol. "At least I can have a week or two to myself before I have to go back to that damn family," I snorted before relaxing even further into the couch.

"A week?" Damian questions confused. "It's already been a month since the agreement started, I thought Dante and Dimitri would be more careful with time."

"Yeah well I fucked up, per usual," I scoffed. "Dante can engage us in war and he's taking thirty percent of our revenue until the agreement is over."

"Dude if you keep fucking up and pissing people off, there won't be anything left," Sam commented as he plopped down on the couch.

"Better than marrying into that damn family," I spoke dryly before taking a swig of vodka.

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