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Killian made good on his money—seven million dollars entered my account sooner than expected.

That's when I got to work.

I whistled along to the music playing in my headphones as I walked down to the front desk of the hotel to collect my mail.

I took my headphones off while I walked up to the desk.

"Good evening Mr. Haywood," old man Jones at the desk greeted. "Are you here for your mail?"

"Yes sir. Any packages back there?" I asked as he handed me a few envelopes.

"Not today Mr. Haywood, but I will ring you if anything arrives for you."

"Thank you," I said before I took my mail to the elevator.

I put my headphones back over my ears and whistles along to the familiar tunes before I pushed the basement button and keyed in a special code to get down there.

A few seconds later, the doors opened and I was greeted by darkness.

I walked out of the elevator and pulled a switch on the wall that turned on the lights.

On the left I have all my suits behind glass. I have a few black tuxes and a few leather suits best suited for combat situations. All my suits are custom made with bulletproof lining—comes in handy much too often.

To the left side I kept all my weapons and toys.

From bow and arrows, to guns and bombs, I had quite the collection of toys.

In the center of it all was a collection of high tech computers that I created to do the hacking, not be hacked.

I took off my headphones and played the music throughout the room, ready to get to work.

I tossed my mail to the side and cracked my knuckles and my back before sitting down in my chair and rolling it up to the computers.

"And so we begin," I stated flatly with a sly smile.

I started replaying footage from the car crash and tried to identify the drivers, but they all had masks. The plates were taken off and there was nothing for me to go off, except that Lachlan was there.

I analyzed security footage from the docks and saw tags on the crates brought in from the fake shipment Lachlan set up.

After hours of researching those damn tags, apparently Lachlan had shipped them in from his own damn boats, leaving me with yet another dead end.

I rubbed my hands over my eyes and took a short break before I looked at the security tapes from Dante's mansion.

Everyone had a mask on except for Lachlan so that was a dead end, but then I recognized the charges they were using.

Small, round, easily concealed, but incredibly deadly if used correctly.

They're from a company called Steel Tech, and I know those charges because I use them.

"Bingo," I smiled as I started doing more research into the company.

I looked at every piece of tech they sold and hacked into their logs. From the last ten years, there was no flux on merchandise or anyone buying anything for more than a few million.

This is bullshit.

But what if they did it off business record?

After hacking into the company's bank records, my theory was correct.

Ten million dollars was placed into an offshore account and then transferred into the company's bank account and falsely put under appreciation costs.

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