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Since we all got back from Russia, my dad has had us on lockdown. He doesn't want anyone except his gangsters leaving the house.

I haven't wanted to face him. He knows more than he's leading on but I'm not going to push him for information. Whenever he's ready to grow a pair and stop lying to us, he can come to me.

Whenever I laid in bed I could always hear my dad arguing with someone. Most of the time it had been with Killian.

There were a few soft taps on my door followed by a creek.

"Rebecca?" My mother asked as I sat up.

"Hi Mom," I smiled at her as she waddled over to me.

"How's the baby?" I asked as she sat down beside me.

Her bump had grown drastically since I last saw her. She should be around thirty weeks right now.

"Always has been a little wrestler, ever since the kicking started," she smiled as he brushed my hair with her fingers. "I have an appointment today. Just to check in on the baby. Would you like to come?" She asked as I instantly perked up.

"Yes! I'm getting ready now!" I said excitedly as I jumped out of bed and started throwing clothes on.

"I'll be waiting downstairs," she called as I got ready.

I threw on a black sweatshirt and black pants before lacing up a pair of boots. I put my hair in a ponytail and ran out of my room and right in the middle of an argument between my dad and Killian.

"That isn't your decision to make!" Killian yelled as my dad shook his head.

"As long as she's living under my roof then it is my decision!" He yelled back before he calmed down and locked eyes with me. "Where are you going?" He snapped.

"To Mom's appointment. Are you talking about me?" I asked curiously as Killian looked at me with eyes that read, please don't ask.

"No. Please be careful while you're out there. And when you get back we have a lot to discuss," he rushed before he retreated into his office.

I looked up at Killian, but he had already retreated into a guest room.

"They've been going at each other since we got back," Reese announced as he walked out of his room.

"I know. Walls aren't soundproof," I comment as Reese walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"What's this for?" I ask as I hug him back.

"Recent events have given me some clarity. Don't take the present for granted because there might not be a future," he said as he pulled out of the hug. "I love you sis, and I need you to know that because I might not get many more chances to say it," he said as he smiled.

"I love you too Reese's Pieces. But I'll be back in a few hours. Don't think that I forgot that your birthday is tomorrow. I've got a lot planned for you," I told him as he smiled.

"You don't have to do anything, I just want to be with my family," he spoke truthfully.

"I wanted that too but I realized, you gotta live in the present right?" I told him as I playfully hit his shoulder. "Bye Reese," I smiled before I started down the stairs.

"Bye Bex," he called after me.

"I'm ready Mom," I called as I saw her in the foyer.

"About time, you're slower than a turtle Bex," she smiled as she linked arms with me for support.

"Is the little one giving you trouble again?" I asked as she used her other hand to brace her back.

"Just a lot of kicking," she smiled brightly.

"We'll have to put him in the ring when he starts walking," I chuckle as she laughs with me.

"Good, you're both ready," Tyson called as he helped my mother into a van. "I'll be driving you both today," he continued as I slid in the seat beside my mom.

"Thank you Tyson. You've been such a big help while Dante's been so busy with everything," my mother kindly thanks as Tyson starts the vehicle and starts driving.

"It's my pleasure Alexandra. I've had a lot of experience with pregnancy and babies from my wife. And when the cravings kick in, it doesn't hurt to know a good chocolate chip cookie recipe," he adds with a chuckle, making my mom and I smile.

"I'll have to get you to make some for me since Dante burns everything in the kitchen," she chuckled.

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