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Standing in front of us in the pouring rain were at least fifteen officers, guns pointed at us.

"Hop off the bike, both of you," the tallest of them ordered.

Killian and I did exactly as he instructed as he lowered his gun and placed it in his holster.

He started toward the both of us and because the rain was so heavy, my vision of who the officer was, but I could see his shaggy brunette hair and I put my arms down.

"Weapons down fellas," he instructed as he came within a foot of us.

"I thought you were done sneaking out kiddo," Gage spoke softly as he stood what felt like three feet above me.

"Guess I just like seeing you too much Gage," I smirked sarcastically as Killian went wide eyed.

"You two know each other?" Killian asked incredulously as he dropped his arms too.

"I work for her father," Gage spoke lowly just so the two of us could hear him. "And he called me when he saw you with this fella," he explained as he pointed to Killian.

"Of course he did," I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"You're in trouble kiddo. You might want to prepare yourself for what I've got to do next," he warned as he waved to his officers.

"You're delusional if you think I'm going to jail," Killian fumed suddenly, backing away from me.

"You broke the law too dick," I scoffed as Killian scrunched his nose.

"Haven't you heard of self preservation? Besides, I'm way too pretty to go to jail," he grunted as I scowled at him.

"I'm not taking either of you to jail," Gage assured and Killian and I went wide eyed. "I'm taking you somewhere worse than jail," Gage added.

"Don't even say it Gage," I pressed.

"I'm taking you back home," he said as he gestured to his vehicle.

"Can't you just take me to prison?" I asked as he shook his head.

I groaned and kicked my feet toward his car.

"You too Killian. Dante wants a few words with you," Gage added as Killian walked to the car too.

I hopped in on one side and Killian hopped in on the other.

Gage hopped in the front seat after speaking to his officers, disbanding them.

"Now that we can talk privately, can you explain to me why you are the third Vecellio on my radio and the second one in my vehicle?" Gage asked as he started driving through the rain.

"What!" I shouted as Gage started driving.

"Dante radioed me about Xander, then you and Reese a few hours later. Twenty minutes ago I actually had Reese sitting where you are now," Gage explained as I groaned to myself.

"Dad's going to kill me," I groaned as Killian scoffed.

"What do you think he's going to do to me?" Killian grunted.

"When I dropped Reese off, he looked terrified of Dante, but I'm sure he only got a disciplined shouting at," Gage added to try and calm us.

"Are you sure you can't just take us to jail," I asked again.

"Nope. Gotta take you home," Gage stubbornly spoke as I groaned and leaned back in the seat.

"This is all your fault you know," Killian grunted as I raised my eyebrows.

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