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Tears started to fall down my face and I bent down to his level on the floor.

"You could have started with the question," I choke as we both laugh.

Killian took one of his hands off of the beautiful box and wiped my tears away.

"What can I say? I guess I really enjoy romantic buildups," tears were trying to escape his own eyes but he kept them at bay.

"The anticipation is killing me," he laughs. "Please," he paused. "Please just say yes."

"Now I feel like there's this giant build up and I have to wait a few more seconds before I answer," I laugh.

" could just say yes and we can kiss," he seductively offers.

"Yes," I say before jolting forward to hug him.

He wraps his arms around me and then moves them to my waist.

He picks me up and then spins me around while shouting, "she said yes!"

"Ah! Put me down," I laugh.

He kisses my cheek and then gently sets me down.

He flashes me a joyous pearly white smile and then takes the ring out to hold in his hand before gently sliding it on my left finger.

"Mrs. Rebecca Black," he says as he looks up at me with passion and happiness in his eyes. "My Princess."

I smile as wide as him and then I reach up on my tiptoes to kiss his lips.

He seems shocked at my actions at first, but then he takes over and I follow his lead.

He pulled back and my eyes fluttered open.

"I love you Rebecca Vecellio," he whispers with passion in his voice.

"I love you Killian Black," I responded quickly, meaning every word I had said.

As I watched him, his silver eyes melted. The silver became liquid and then molten, burning down to my blue ones with an intensity that became overwhelming.

I try to breathe normally.

I needed to concentrate—find a way to steady my heartbeat and the butterflies that now took over my entire body and not just my stomach.

One side of his mouth pulled into my favorite crooked smile that I had grown to love and it reached his smoldering eyes, like it usually did.

The silence was not awkward between us, but full of desire, only to see who would dare to break it first.

We stared at each other for a long moment and just like that, his lips were on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up off the floor, my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively.

A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his tongue skim mine. I jolted back slightly, but I responded to his desire by letting my fingers get caught in his silky black hair.

I could feel the electricity flow through me with every kiss and every touch.

My back hit the soft bed and I gasped for a moment before Killian trapped me under him and his lips were pressed against mine once again.

I moved my hands to his shirt and tugged at it and he lifted himself and me up. He broke the kiss off and I started to remove his shirt, but he winced when he lifted his left arm.

"I'm sorry Killian, I didn't mean to—"

"No, do not apologize for that," he stops me and kisses me before fixing his shirt. "Never apologize for that," he repeats.

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