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I woke up the next morning and walked down the back set of stairs to find my mother and Killian laughing in the kitchen.

My mother was leaning against the counter with a glass of water in her hand while Killian was sitting at the barstool drinking coffee from a white mug.

Killian was wearing gray sweatpants and a white shirt—those definitely weren't Reese's or Xander's clothes, so somebody must have brought them here for him.

"Rebecca, come join us," my mother instructed as she beckoned me into the kitchen.

Killian looked up at me and winked before he scooted a chair out for me to sit on.

"I'll pour you some coffee," he insisted as he grabbed a mug out of the cabinet and poured black coffee with some creamer in it.

"He's very handsome," my mother whispered in my ear as I saw Killian smile.

"Here you are Princess," Killian said as he handed me the mug.

"You two should go on a date. A breakfast date," my mother suggested out of nowhere.

I nearly spit my coffee out when she said that and Killian chuckled to himself.

"That's a great idea," Killian agreed as he turned to me. "Would you like to go on a breakfast date with me, Rebecca?" He asked as I struggled to not roll my eyes.

"As long as you're paying," I told him as my mother cheered.

"I'll just call one of my men to bring some clothes over and then we can go okay?" Killian said as I nodded.

He stood and kissed my forehead before walking up the stairs.

"This one is a keeper," my mother marveled again as I rolled my eyes.

"Relax mom, it's not like I'm going to marry him," I quickly told her, but then realization hit me as I said those words.

Actually, irony hit me.

"Marry who?" My father asked a bit concerned as he came into the kitchen.

"Killian and Rebecca have a breakfast date this morning," my mother gushed as my cheeks went hot.

"We're just getting breakfast together," I mumbled as my mother continued.

"And I think Killian's a keeper, but Rebecca won't admit she likes him," my mother teased as my father just stood in shock.

"I never said I didn't like him, just that I wasn't planning on marrying the guy. I just met him," I told her seriously, trying to get a reaction out of my father.

Nothing. He just stood there.

"Really? Then what did I walk into last n—" my mother started as my eyes went wide.

"I should go get ready. Don't want to leave Killian waiting for me," I changed the subject as I downed my coffee and ran up the stairs.

I plopped on my bed face first before I decided to put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

I put my hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth before Killian came into my room, ready to go.

He wore a leather jacket with dark jeans and a black shirt.

"Dante nearly strangled me when I walked into the kitchen. What the hell did you say to him?" He angrily whispered as he shut the door to my room.

"I was being haunted by the irony of my words and my mom nearly exposed us from last night," I explained as his face went white.

"We need to leave now or I'm going to die," he revealed as he grabbed my arm and drug me outside to his bike. "Put this on," he instructed as he handed me a helmet.

"How did you get this here?"

"I have people bring me my things now hurry," he retorted.

I wasted no time as we both put on helmets and then I sat behind him on the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist just before he sped out of the driveway.

We arrived at the same cafe Reese took me to a few days ago when Killian cut his engine.

"So are we going to talk about what happened last night or just brush it off like it never happened?" I asked suddenly as Killian tensed up.

"I wasn't expecting that," he revealed as he took off his helmet.

I took mine off as well and got off the bike, waiting for an answer.

"How could you not expect me to ask about last night?" I questioned as he swung his leg over the bike.

"Look, I'm horny and you're horny and we were gonna to help each other out. But no, you got me all worked up and I had to take a cold shower," he rudely stated before walking toward the cafe.

"Rude much?" I called after him as he chuckled.

I got off the bike and caught up with him and we sat at a booth.

"Can I start you off with any coffee?" The waitress asked as Killian shook his head.

"She will have the chocolate chip pancake stack with extra syrup and no butter," Killian ordered as he looked at me through his peripheral, knowing he ordered right as I slumped into my seat.

He smiled cockily and then ordered a large egg and bacon breakfast for himself.

"Right on the money I assume?" He cockily asked as the waitress walked away.

"Yep," I said while popping the p. "Only you would know that," I mumbled as he chuckled.

"Your father gave me a file on you so I kind of know more about you than I want too," he snobbishly remarked. "And that note he wrote me, well, it was touching really. The fact that he felt the need to threaten me to stay away from you despite the fact that he's pushing us into marriage really touched me," he laughed as he thought back on those memories.

"I know about this, you've told me already," I groaned as my stomach growled from being hungry.

"Oh right. You know literally nothing so can't remember what you do and don't know," he snickers and then shakes his head. "But that's not the point here. I have something for you," he stated as he pulled out an envelope and pushed it in front of me.

"What's this?" I asked as I stared at the white envelope.

"Open it," he instructed as I did so.

There was a plane ticket to Russia in it. I looked up at him and he smiled.

"Surprise," he sarcastically said as I rolled my eyes.

"You're funny Killian. Really funny," I sarcastically said as the waitress brought our food to us.

"But you love me," he snickered.

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