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"I'm. So. Sick," I grunted in between punches. "Of Dad controlling my life," I continued as I punched the pads Reese held up. "It's like he thinks I'm his personal puppet," I finished as I hit the pads rapidly.

My tank top was soaked in sweat and my baby hairs were stuck to my forehead by the time Reese and I finished boxing.

I wiped the sweat with my forearm and Reese took off the pads on his hands.

"I'm sick of this bullshit too," Reese agreed as he wiped the sweat from his face with a towel.

I undid the straps on my boxing gloves and slid them off before tossing them in the corner of the gym.

"He's kept us on lockdown for two weeks now and I swear if I don't see someone that I'm not related to, or doesn't work for Dad, I'm going to go insane," I rambled as Reese tossed me a water.

"I just can't believe this is only the second time he's let us be in the same room together. We really did piss him off this time," Reese snorted as he sat down on a nearby bench.

"Yeah, and he wasn't kidding about the surveillance either," I commented as I looked up at the camera in the corner of the room. "We're in the gym in our home and still can't get any privacy," I continued. "There's nowhere we can go, there's only one door in and out," I shouted at the camera.

"Calm down okay, Dad will give in eventually," Reese counseled as he threw his towel over his shoulder and moved to the free weights.

"Two weeks isn't soon enough?" I asked sarcastically as Reese shook his head.

"For the stunt we pulled, I would have bet we would be stuck for a month, but the last two days he's been more chill," he explained as he started a set of curls.

"You call Dad being borderline psycho, chill?" I asked incredulously as Reese smiled and set down his weights on a rack.

"A few hours after he sent us to our rooms, he had me analyzing security tapes and doing fifty piles of paperwork, and that shit is not fun. The last two days he's had me cleaning guns and filling mags," he explained as he wiped his hands with his towel.

"So your reasoning behind cleaning guns is that Dad is more chill?" I question as Reese rolls his eyes.

"I call that a step up from what I was doing. At least I'm not cleaning up dog shit," he pressed as I rolled my eyes.

"That was one time and only because Mom brought in that stray," I laughed.

"Whatever. You finished?" Reese asked as I nodded. "I'm gonna keep going, maybe another hour or so down here. But good luck with your babysitter," he teased as I rolled my eyes.

"Not funny," I groaned as I turned toward the camera and waved my arms around. "I wonder who's coming to get me this time," I groaned aloud as the door opened.

To my surprise, I saw Morgan, standing in the doorway in his black outfit and earpieces in.

"You're kidding right?" I groaned as Morgan shrugged his shoulders.

"I believe the saying goes, don't do the crime if you can't do the time," he teased as I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag.

"Whatever," I grunted. "Bye Reese," I called before I left the gym and started up the stairs.

"How's your boyfriend?" Morgan teased as we were walking up the stairs.

"How's your girlfriend?" I teased back as I heard him grunt from behind me.

"I heard you were hanging with Killian when you got caught," Morgan started.

"Just trying to piss off my dad. Must admit, it was a bit overkill," I mumbled as we reached the main floor.

"Any news on Xander since he left?" Morgan asked as I started toward my room.

I didn't tell anyone that he had called me. It's not what he wanted and I was going to respect that.

"Nope. Dad's been sending private investigators and teams after him to bring him back, but I haven't heard anything out of him since he left," I spoke nonchalantly as I continued up the stairs to my room.

"Where are you going?" Morgan questioned suddenly.

"To take a shower and get changed. Why? You wanna join?" I sneakily added and his cheeks went hot. "Relax, give me ten minutes and I'll be in the kitchen," I say before going up to my room.

I get undressed and start the water for my shower. I wanted the water to be colder since I was sweating so much.

It felt good to get the sweat off my body and wash my hair to get refreshed. The bathroom has been my escape goat these past weeks because I can actually be alone without surveillance.

When I finish showering, I brush out my wet hair and dry it some before throwing some clothes on. I just put on a black shirt and a pair of jeans.

I can't wait to get out of the house.

I opened my bedroom door and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Morgan was.

"Apology protein shake?" Morgan offered as he slid a full glass over to me.

"Thanks," I say as I take it.

It was good. Chocolate and peanut butter.

"Hey kids," my Mom greeted brightly as she waddled into the kitchen.

"Morning Mom," I greeted.

"Morning Alex," Morgan greeted as well.

"Why aren't you kids outside? It's such a wonderful day out," she implied as she filled a glass with water.

"Dad forbade me from going anywhere Mom," I reminded her as she leaned against the counter.

"Didn't you hear? Your father is letting you and Reese out in the world again," she said nonchalantly as my jaw dropped.

"He's what?" I asked in astonishment.

"Oh yeah, he was on the phone with Dimitri this morning and told him the Killian situation was blown way out of proportion. Killian is actually on his way over here right now to meet with your father if you wanted to say hi," she explained as my jaw stayed dropped. "What did I say? I thought you liked Killian?" My mom added a bit confused.

And just like that, there was a knock on the door.

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