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I sighed as I heard the door open and close, letting in a slight breeze and causing me to shiver slightly.

I can't let her in. She can't see the good I have in me, if I even have any left.

I took a long swig of the vodka I held and breathed out heavily as the alcohol went slowly down my throat.

I went to the bar and grabbed another bottle and a pack of cigarettes before walking outside in the cold.

There was a vehicle waiting for me and my driver, Vodak, was standing with the door open for me.

"Change of plans Vodak. We're going to hell," I told him as he froze.

"Are you sure, sir?" He asked as I hopped into the vehicle.

"Just fucking drive Vodak," I cursed as he shut the door behind me and hopped into the front before driving.

I had already drunk over half of just one bottle before Vodak stopped the car.

"We're here sir," he started as I opened the door and proceeded to get out. "Shall I wait for you?" He politely asked as I sighed.

"I'll find my way back, you can call it a night. Thank you Vodak," I told him as he nodded and sped away.

I turned around and breathed out shakily as I paved my eyes upon hell itself.

I kicked my feet at the dirt on the ground and the broken pavement that used to be a driveway, before it was smashed to pieces.

Walking up the path felt like walking to the devil's home.

I stepped up onto the concrete steps and felt the white pillars that stood cracked, but still standing.

My eyes wandered around the concrete foundations, looking at what was left of the house I had burned down so long ago.

I picked up a bunch of old wood and threw it in a pile before I took a long swig of vodka and dumped some of it over the wood.

I grabbed a chair that managed to survive the fire and set it down beside the fire before I took out my lighter and lit the small pile of wood.

Before I sat down, I sighed and took another swig of the clear liquid.

Seeing this place felt like another stab to the chest.

As I watched the flames from my small fire, memories flooded back into my head. Memories that tortured me so much and led me to burning down my childhood home.

The home that held good memories, but swallowed up by the one memory that haunts me every day.

I opened my second bottle of vodka but didn't drink it as fast as the other bottle. My vision was blurring and I could feel my head swaying.

All I wanted to do was forget.

Leave the old Killian here, buried along with this house.

For the past twelve years I've been dropping bodies and the only fun I had was getting drunk and getting with girls.

"Mind if I join you mate?" An unfamiliar voice asked me.

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