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I shut the door behind me and sighed.

She knows they're after her.

This shit couldn't have gone down any worse.

Not only did the leader's son get the upper hand on me, but he also died in that building and despite what The Lion's intentions were before, their top priority is going to be to kill me.

"Is she okay?" Morgan asked as I stepped outside.

"No, but she will be," I truthfully stated. "The leader's son died in that building tonight. The gang is going to come after me," I revealed as Morgan tensed.

"Are you sure he died?" He asked cautiously.

"Positive. There's no way he survived the explosions," I told him as a figure walked up to the front porch.

Morgan and I had our hands on our hips, ready to take whoever it was out, but when he came into the porch light, it was Dominick.

"What are you doing here?" I spat as he rolled his eyes and stumbled onto the porch.

He was drunk.

"I'm staying here, remember dumbass? And besides," he adds as he hiccups. "I thought you might want to know that Dimitri is building an army."

"He already has control of The Black Dragons. Why would he need to build an army?" Morgan asks.

"During the attack, Dimitri fled the scene, leaving half his gang in the building to find their own way out or die," I told them truthfully.

"He's losing the loyalty of his members and rounding up the ones that still follow him," Dominick stated. "And he's gone underground. There's no trace of him anywhere, so whatever he's planning, well, no one knows what it is."

"I'll let Ruslan know. The gang is compromised by Dimitri and Ruslan will have to take over. I can't step up until it's resolved, Dimitri would be expecting that," I told them as Dominick stumbled inside.

"Goodnight douches," he called before he shut the door.

"What an asshole," I scoffed as Morgan agreed.

The rain stopped and Morgan and I heard a few sticks breaking in the yard.

"You hear that?" He asked as we both reached for our guns.

"Yeah, I did," I told him as we saw a dark figure run to the side of the house. "There!" I shouted as Morgan and I took off in the direction of the stranger.

"Don't move!" Morgan shouted as we rounded the house.

"Relax!" A familiar voice scolded. "It's me you fucking idiot!" Xander cursed as he came into the light.

"Where the hell have you been?" I cursed at him, pushing his chest so he stumbled back a few feet. "You told us you were coming to Russia to help protect Rebecca! She was almost shot and nearly taken tonight!" I shouted as he shut his eyes and clenched his fists.

"Don't you think I know that? The Lions can't know I'm here so sorry if I'm trying to be discreet!" He shouts back.

"Discreet?" I retort sarcastically. "You've been MIA since you fucking got here Xander! What the hell have you been up to!" I shouted as Morgan put his hand on my shoulder.

"Guys stop! You both need to chill out for a minute!" Morgan shouts as he pushes me away from Xander. "Xander, do you have any information for us?" Morgan calmly asks as Xander calms down.

"The Lions have been in contact with Rebecca," he started.

"No fucking way!" Morgan shouted as I went stiff.

"She said she knew The Lions wanted her. She wouldn't be so dumb as to be in contact with them," I spat through tight lips.

"Maybe if you would have been here and not prancing around Russia like a drunk playboy then maybe she would have told you," Xander spat as he pushed my chest.

"That's it you prick," I fumed as I hit Xander in the face.

"You're dead!" He yelled as he charged me.

He threw a punch at my jaw and I spit blood before I hit his nose and drew blood.

"Stop!" Reese yelled as he pulled Xander and I apart. "I could hear you both from inside and if you're trying to be discreet about being here Xander, I suggest you think with your head and not your fists," Reese spat. "Now what the hell is going on?"

"The leader of The Lions has been in contact with Rebecca. He has been calling and texting her. I tapped her phone to listen in on the conversations and read the texts. He's been manipulating her into thinking he has answers—answers that Dante isn't willing to give," Xander explained.

"And what isn't Dante telling us?" I asked as Xander sighed.

"It's complicated," Xander stated briefly, causing all of us to look at him skeptically.

"You son of a bitch! You know everything don't you?" I cursed as he bared his teeth at me.

"No, I've barely even tapped the surface of what the hell is going on. Dante barely told me anything," Xander snapped. "The point is, Dad knows everything and he is keeping the whole story a secret."

"Ugh! This is making my brain hurt," Reese complained as he fisted his hair and pulled slightly. "Why go through all this trouble? The wedding agreement? Sending us to Russia? Why is this necessary if Dad has the information we need to take out The Lions?" Reese asked as he all sighed.

"Dante's not telling us something, that's a definite fact. He also knows who The Lion's real identities are, and he's not pursuing them," Morgan evaluates.

"Seems like Dante is covering something and he seems to be going through a lot of trouble to keep it covered," I scrunch my nose.

"The leader said they were practically family," Xander spoke suddenly.

"If that was true, Dad would have pursued them alone and not brought The Black Dragons into this," Reese pondered.

"But what's the connection?" Morgan asked. "And why does the leader want Rebecca?" He continued.

"Is there a reason that he would want Rebecca and not you two?" I analyzed.

"Maybe it's because she's an easy target?" Morgan suggested.

"He could be right," Reese hesitantly agreed, "She had no idea who The Black Dragons or The Lions were until a few months ago. If you don't know there's a threat, why be worried?" He asked aloud.

"The vendetta doesn't seem to be with Rebecca though. It seems deeper than that—like to get to Dante, he needs Rebecca. Is she collateral to him?" I contemplated.

"Nothing is making sense," Reese groaned as I looked at Xander.

"Why don't you just tell us what you know Xander so we can put the pieces together," I spat as his eyes went wide.

"Fuck you—just ask Dante what the truth is," he spat.

"I'm not prepared to get murdered for poking in his business. If you want to help, stop hiding in the shadows like a fucking coward and do something!" I scolded as Xander's eyes went dark.

"Why you little—" Xander started as he charged me.

Reese jumped in front of him and pushed him back as a gunshot came from inside.

"Morgan you stand guard, Reese go find Ruslan, and Xander," I pause. "Go back to New York and get some answers out of Dante," I spat before I ran inside.

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