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"How could you take his children from him!" I screamed into the radio.

"Son you wouldn't understand," he radioed back.

"No, I think I do! You can't and won't accept the fact that Lachlan loved your sister, so you made it your mission to kill him but killed her instead! You blamed him for her death so you took the only family he had and put them where he couldn't find them!" I yelled into the radio.

"Reese it's not like that—"

"The hell it isn't!" I shouted back as I took a deep breath. "I'm going away for a while."

"Son please, think rationally about this," he pleaded.

"I am thinking rationally. Don't look for me, and don't try to contact me. You won't be able to find me anyways," I radioed before I took my radio off me and smashed it to the ground.

I took my cell phone from my pocket and threw it in the pool.

"My dad has lied to us enough. This situation just keeps getting more fucking up," I shook my head as Damian nodded.

"What are we going to do now? The mansion is destroyed and our only lead was a fake," Damian pointed out as the flames grew larger in size, illuminating the night sky with oranges and red, and leaving an aroma of smoke.

"Lachlan won't hurt Rebecca. She's his kid, and she's tough. I'll continue searching for her, but I don't want you spending your last few weeks here searching endlessly. Go live your life Damian. Go to college, find a girl and get married and have kids," I told him as he nodded.

"You're a good man Reese with a good heart, but don't let your anger turn you into your father," Damian advised as he patted my back and took out a cell phone. "Time's almost up Sam. How about we go jet skiing and try to fix your embarrassing time with that lifeguard," he laughed into the phone.

It's time I do things alone for a while.

Sorry Dad, but I'm going to find my sister.


As soon as Reese finished radioing back to Dante, he flipped out and started barking random orders at the police officers and his own men.

I sighed and sat down on the dock, staring out into the open black water.

Killian sat beside me and did the same thing.

I could tell he wasn't processing this information any better than Reese.

"Now you see why I went rogue for a few months," I whispered as Killian snapped his head at me.

"You knew about all this?" He asked me as I nodded slowly.

"Dante told me he took Lachlan's children the day I stormed out. I thought Lachlan was after Rebecca for revenge. I didn't realize she was actually his child," I said as I started to remember all the sinister things he had said.

He and Lachlan were practically brothers.

Lachlan betrayed his trust and Vera was killed in the crossfire between him and Dante.

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